The lesser-known Nintendo Princess, always seen sporting her iconic orange dress.
Who is Daisy?
Street Fighter
What is Hadoken?
This northern country's best import is its Maple Syrup.
What is Canada?
[x]'s Strength is equal to [Villain]'s Strength.
Who is Cell Jr.?
This small, round, fruit grows in clusters on vines and can be eaten fresh, or pressed for its juice to make wine.
What is a Grape?
Sonic The Hedgehog's hammer-wielding, self-proclaimed Girlfriend.
Who is Amy Rose?
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Wii Fit Trainer
What is Deep Breathing?
This eastern country's flag is a simple red dot on a white background.
What is Japan?
Attach to a location that has no [x]. At the end of your turn, if there is an Ally at this location, choose a Hero at this location. That Hero loses 1 Strength.
What is Labyrinth?
Botanically speaking, this curvy yellow fruit is classified as a berry.
What is a banana?
This little yordle can be found wandering the Rift, in search of her hammer's keeper.
Who is Poppy?
Street Fighter 6
What is Sonic Boom?
This western country's canal is crucial for maritime trade.
What is Panama?
[x] can only be played to Rainbase. During Showdown, [x] becomes a Hero at the top of your Territory.
Who is Ms. All Sunday?
This long, green, cylindrical fruit is often used in salads, is mostly water, and belongs to the same family as melons and squashes.
What is a Cucumber?
This Disney Princess longs for a whole new world, when not tending to her pet tiger, Rajah.
Who is Jasmine?
Guilty Gear Strive
Leo Whitefang
[2]8S or [2]8H
What is Eisensturm (Leo's Okizeme)?
This southern country's people are colloquially called Kiwis.
What is New Zealand?
Either gain 1 Power for each other card you played from your hand this turn, or perform an Activate action.
What is Forbidden Experiments?
Known as Aubergines in certain parts of the world, this berry's American name is derived from its seedling's appearance.
What is an Eggplant?
This tragic heroine was portrayed by Kate Winslet in the iconic 1997 Titanic.
Who is Rose?
What is Tekken 7?
While the Equator splits the North and South hemispheres, this splits the East and West.
What is the Prime Meridian?
When [x] is defeated, Makarov does not lose Resolve.
Who is Natsu?
This red fruit, native to South America, is the world's most popular berry and comes in over 7,500 varieties
What is a Tomato?