Why Listening Matters
Types of Listening
Effective Listening Techniques
Barriers to Listening
Speaker &
Listener Responsibility

What percentage of a student’s communication activity involves listening, according to research?

What is 60%?


This type of listening focuses on gaining information and understanding from the speaker.

What is comprehensive listening?


Clue: To be a good listener, it’s important to avoid focusing on a speaker’s appearance or delivery but instead focus on this.

Answer: What is the content of their message?


This common barrier to effective listening involves thinking ahead to how you will respond while the speaker is still talking.

Answer: What is preoccupation with your response?


The speaker has the responsibility to keep their audience engaged by doing this with their content.

What is making it clear and organized?


Listening is important not just for understanding others, but for improving this part of one’s own communication.

What is speaking?


This type of listening involves evaluating the speaker’s message to determine truth or value.

What is critical listening?


Clue: This technique involves summarizing the speaker’s points mentally while they are

Answer: What is active listening?


This barrier occurs when listeners let their emotional reactions cloud their understanding of the speaker’s message.

What is emotional bias?


A good listener does this to remain focused on what is being said, even if the topic seems boring or uninteresting.

What is staying engaged or finding relevance?


This is one reason why good listening is crucial for public speakers during a speech.

What is to gauge audience feedback?


When listening primarily to provide emotional support to the speaker, you're engaging in this type of listening.

What is empathic listening?


Clue: This skill is necessary for focusing on the main ideas instead of every detail in a speech.

Answer: What is listening for key points


This barrier happens when the listener is distracted by external noise or internal thoughts.

What is environmental distraction or internal distraction?


The speaker should avoid overwhelming the audience by sticking to this structure.

The speaker should avoid overwhelming the audience by sticking to this structure.


Listening helps a speaker in these two ways during conversation.

What are learning and providing appropriate responses?


This listening type is key when one listens for enjoyment, such as listening to a concert.

What is appreciative listening?


Clue: To ensure retention, it’s helpful to do this after listening to a speaker.

What is taking notes or reviewing the material?


This barrier to effective listening arises when the listener dismisses the speaker due to preconceived notions.

  • What is jumping to conclusions?


A speaker's role includes adapting the message based on this feedback from the audience.

  • What is non-verbal or verbal feedback


Listening critically is essential for these types of situations where decisions or actions need to be taken based on the speaker’s message.

What are high-stakes situations?


In professional settings, this type of listening is vital for assessing the speaker’s proposals or arguments.

What is critical listening?


This process helps listeners avoid missing important information by filtering out

Answer: What is concentrating or staying focused?


This term describes the difference between how fast people speak (120-150 words per minute) and how fast the brain can process information.

  • What is the rate-gap problem?


The listener has the responsibility to avoid this habit, which involves focusing too much on the speaker's delivery.

What is judging based on delivery or appearance?