The color of the Frontal Lobe
Which part of the brain controls your vision?
A) Occipital lobe B) Parietal lobe c) Temporal lobe
Cerebellum is Latin for brain
Your brain is fully formed at this age.
Closest wins
25 years old
Short term memory last only about this many seconds.
Closest wins
20-30 seconds.
The color of the Temporal lobe
Which part of the brain controls your Balance?
A) Frontal lobe B) Cerebellum C) Occipital lobe
The temporal lobe recognizes faces
Your spinal cord/brain stem stops growing on average at this age.
Closest wins
4 years old
The average adult brains weighs about this many pounds.
Closest wins
3 pounds
The color of the Cerebellum
Which part of the brain stores your personality and emotion?
A) Cerebellum B) Parietal lobe C) Frontal lobe
Your senses of touch, smell, taste etc... are split up amongst the different parts of the brain
What percentage of the brain is made up of fat?
Closest wins
A sperm Whale's brain weighs this many pounds.
Closest wins
20 pounds
The color of the Parietal lobe
Which part of the brain store your memory?
A) Cerebellum B) Cerebrum C) Temporal lobe
We store the meaning of words in the temporal lobe
The human brain is made up of tissue and water. what percentage of our brain is water?
Closest wins.
What percentage of all the blood and oxygen in our body is used on the brain?
Closest wins
The color of the Occipital lobe
Which part of the brain contains your problem solving skills?
A) Frontal lobe B) Temporal lobe C) Parietal lobe
The cerebrum contains our memories
A small piece of brain the size of a grain of sand contains this many neurons. Think big but not too big!
Closest wins
100, 000
If you took all the brain vessels out of your brain and lined them up one by one, it would stretch this many miles!
Closest wins
100, 000 miles