The Lobe located at the front of the brain.
Frontal Lobe
Controls heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, sending signals to and from brain, and sleeping.
Brain Stem Function
The cells that communicate to pass information from one spot in the body to another.
What is the stimuli for taste and smell.
Regulates hunger, thirst, body temperature, sleep cycles, and emotions.
The Lobe located on the side of the head.
Temporal Lobe
Controls balance and coordination, fine motor, fear and pleasure.
Cerebellum Function
What happens when neurons aren't used?
They eventually die.
What is the stimuli for sound.
Sound wave/vibrations
Regulates sleeping, waking, and face movements.
The Lobe located at the back of the brain.
Occipital Lobe
Controls visual processing, perception of space, color and motion.
Occipital Lobe Function
What sends information to other cells?
Chemicals -> Taste Receptors -> Thalamus -> Gustatory Cortex
Gustatory System order.
Brain Stem
The Lobe located on the top of the brain.
Parietal Lobe
Involved with memories, sensory input, understanding language, hearing and smell, and long term memory.
Temporal Lobe Function
What receives information from other cells?
Chemicals -> Smell Receptors -> Olfactory Bulb -> Olfactory Cortex
Olfactory System order.
Receives information from the body and distributes the information to other parts of the brain.
Located at the back of the brain, below the Occipital Lobe.
Involved with sensory processing, spatial sense, touch, language, and recognition.
Parietal Lobe Function
Passing information from on spot to another through Neurons.
Vibrations -> Eardrum -> Anvil, Stirrup, and Hammer -> Cochlea/Hair cells -> Thalamus -> Auditory Cortex
Auditory System Order
Controls breathing and heart rate.