Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Judicial Potpourri
The two "houses" of our bicameral legislature (i.e. Congress).
What are the Senate and House of Representatives?
The name for each of the fifteen organizational units of the executive branch.
What is a(n) (executive) department?
The two most basic types of cases heard in a court of law.
What are criminal and civil cases?
The U.S. Supreme Court case that established the power of judicial review, making the judiciary a co-equal branch of government.
What is Marbury v. Madison?
The type of trial that does not involve a jury.
What is a bench trial?
A proposed law.
What is a bill?
With the exception of the Attorney General, the name for each of the heads of the 15 main organizational units of the executive branch.
What is a Secretary (of State, Defense, Treasury, etc.)?
The hierarchy of the federal court system.
What are district, appellate, and Supreme (or District Courts, Courts of Appeals, and the Supreme Court)?
A direct vote by the electorate on a single political question or issue that has been referred to them by the legislature (e.g. NC's Amendment 1 or California's Prop 8).
What is a referendum?
The two types of court systems in the U.S.
What are state and federal courts?
Only members of this legislative body may introduce bills for consideration or vote.
What is Congress?
In total, the vice president and the heads of the 15 main organizational units of the executive branch.
What is the Cabinet?
The hierarchy of the North Carolina state court system.
What are district, superior, appellate, and Supreme?
A procedure by which voters can remove an elected official from office through a direct vote before his or her term has ended.
What is a recall (election)?
In legal terms, the power or the extent of power to make legal decisions and judgments. (In the case of law enforcement, the power or extent of power to enforce the law).
What is jurisdiction?
Where most work involving bills takes place.
What is in committee?
The rules the executive branch makes about how the law will be carried out.
What are regulations?
The power to declare laws and executive acts and orders unconstitutional.
What is judicial review?
A legislative proposal that originates with the people---may be indirect or direct.
What is an initiative?
The name for the group of judges, usually three, that hear appeals.
What is a panel?
Special interests that seek to influence legislation.
What are lobbies?
A rule or edict issued by the president to an executive branch of the government which has the force of law.
What is an executive order?
The three decisions an appellate court (or court of appeals) can make, as such courts do not decide guilt or innocence.
What is uphold, reverse, or remand?
A legal case establishing a principle or rule that a court or other judicial body adopts when deciding later cases with similar issues or facts.
What is a (legal) precedent?
The four types of legal jurisdiction.
What are original, appellate, concurrent and exclusive jurisdictions?