character development

who is the main character?

quien es el personaje principal? / 主角是谁?

Mister Touissant!


Name the 5 stages of a plot mountain.

nombra las 5 etapas de la montaña de la trama /说出情节山的 5 个阶段


rising action 


falling action



what is the genre of the story? 

¿cual es el genero de la historia? / 故事的类型是什么?

science fiction


what is the definition of the word 'ample'?

¿Cuál es la definición de la palabra "ample"? / “ample”这个词的定义是什么?

a plentiful amount. 


what 2 signposts did we work with in this story?

¿Con qué 2 señales trabajamos en esta historia? / 在这个故事中我们使用了哪两个路标?

aha moment and again and again


What is loony goony? 

Que es loony goony? /什么是疯子

an energy drink! 


what conflict is Mr. Touissant facing?

先生有什么冲突?杜桑面对?/ ¿Qué conflicto es el sr. ¿frente a toussaint?

He receives a trick product that interferes with all of his smart appliances.


what is the network of appliances in Mr. Toussaint's house called? 

图森特先生家里的电器网络叫什么?/ ¿Cómo se llama la red de electrodomésticos de la casa del señor Toussaint?

Internet of Things (IoF)


what is the meaning of the word "reintegrate"?

“重新整合”这个词的定义是什么?/ ¿Cuál es la definición de la palabra "reintegrar"?

to put together.


what is an "again and again" signpost? Why is it important?

whenever an event, phrase or image reoccurs over a portion of a story. It helps you understand more about the plot, characters, setting, theme, etc.


how did Loony Goony get into Mr. Toussaints home?

Loony Goony 是如何进入 Toussaints 先生家的?/ ¿Cómo entró Loony Goony en la casa del Sr. Toussaints? 

A woman on the train platform gave it to Mr. Toussaint for free. 


describe the exposition of the story.

describir la exposición de la historia. / 描述故事的阐述。

Mr. Toussaint lives in a smart home in France. Upon arriving home, he discovers from Miz Rousseau that his refrigerator ordered groceries due to his being spoiled. However, the groceries were new, so there was no need to order more. 


Where does the story take place?

故事发生在哪里?/ ¿Dónde se desarrolla la historia?

Europe (specifically France)


name a synonym and antonym for the word "retract".

nombre un sinónimo y un antónimo de la palabra "retraer". / 说出“撤回”一词的同义词和反义词。

synonyms: pull back, shorten, retreat

antonyms: extend, expand, lengthen


what is an "aha moment" signpost? Why is it important? 

when a character realizes something that shifts the way they act or understand something about themselves or the world. 


What problem does Mr. Toussaint have with Loony Goony?

¿Qué problema tiene el señor Toussaint con Loony Goony? / 图森特先生对鲁尼古尼有什么问题吗? 

he gains control of the IoT. 


how does Mr. Toussaint's attitude towards the toaster evolve as the story progresses?

随着故事的进展,图森特先生对烤面包机的态度有何变化?/ ¿Cómo evoluciona la actitud del señor Toussaint hacia la tostadora a medida que avanza la historia? 

He first thinks that the toaster is stupid and old, but begins to see the value in it as it is the only thing that could defeat Looney Gooney. 


When does the story occur? How do you know? (need to answer both!) 

¿Cuándo ocurre la historia? ¿Cómo lo sabes? / 故事發生在什麼時候?你怎麼知道?

sometime in the near future. Mr. Toussaint still takes the train, which is a common method of transportation in this era of time. There are house appliances that we use in this age, however they are more high-tech and can do things such as talk and communicate, or order groceries on their own. 


give the definition, a synonym and an antonym for the word "chafe".

给出“chafe”的定义、同义词和反义词。/ Dé la definición, un sinónimo y un antónimo de la palabra "irritación".

chafe: to annoy or bother

synonyms: irritate, hurt, bother

antonyms: calm, please, sooth, aid


How do we formulate short responses?

我们如何制定简短的回应?/ ¿Cómo formulamos respuestas breves? 

RACES (Restate, Answer, Cite, Explain, Sum it up). or RAFT. 


What did Mr. Toussaint want to do with the toaster at the end of the story?

¿Qué quería hacer el señor Toussaint con la tostadora al final del cuento? / 故事最后,图森特先生想用烤面包机做什么? 

he wanted to keep it. 


"Mister Toussaint is arrested for throwing LOONY GOONY in a trashcan on his way to work."
What part of the plot is this event apart of? 

该事件属于情节的哪一部分?/ ¿De qué parte de la trama forma parte este evento?

Rising Action! 

The peak of the climax is when Mr. Toussaint is forced to unplug all of his devices and find a solution. 


what is the biggest indicator that the story is FICTION?

这个故事是虚构的最大标志是什么? / ¿Cuál es el mayor indicador de que la historia es FICCIÓN?

human traits for non-human characters! (objects talking!)


what word might help you determine the definition of the word "quorum sensors" in this paragraph (29):

¿Qué palabra podría ayudarle a determinar la definición de la palabra "sensores de quórum" en este párrafo (29)? / 哪个词可以帮助您确定本段 (29) 中“群体传感器”一词的定义

Just as he did, he thought to check in with the flat’s diagnostics. Just in time, too! Its quorum-sensors were redlining as it listened in on the appliances’ consternation. Mister Toussaint unplugged the fridge and the microwave and the dishwasher.



what is the theme of the story?

¿cual es el tema de la historia? / 故事的主题是什么? 

Technology can create more problems than it solves.