"The sun is shining; we should too"
Who is Lux
Check Infinity Nikki: 100
Who is (Heavenscale) Master Yi
What is Mercury's Treads
There is two confirmed married couples in League of Legends
Who is Ashe + Tryndamere and Senna + Lucian
The mortal emperor of Shurima only known relative
Who is Sivir
"I've heard a lot about this hero with a hammer, can't wait to meet him"
Who is Poppy
Check Infinity Nikki: 200
Who is (Battle Principal) Yuumi
Gain 25% max health every 5 seconds and 4% bonus movement
Rumble named his mech after them
Who is Tristana
This champ was expelled from their community due to their birth parents
"I am the consequences of your actions"
Who is Kayle
Check Infinity Nikki: 300
Who is (Nurse) Akali
Dealing ability power damage to a champ at 600+ unit will reveal them
What is Horizon Focus
The name of Xayah's and Rakan's passive
What is Lover's Leap
Xin Zhao has an adoptive nephew
Who is Jarven IV
Renata Glasc
Check Infinity Nikki: 400
Who is (Snow Moon) Morgana
This will call upon a beam of light to strike upon the target location after 2.5 seconds
What is Redemption
These two champs are no longer together, with one still having deep feelings for the other
Who is Illaoi and Gangplank
He travelled to Frejlord to acquire the purest arctic water
Who is Gragas
"I'm older than all of you combined... At least I think I am"
Who is Ahri
Check Infinity Nikki: 500
Who is (Original) Rakan
Basic attacks on-hit grant a stack for 3 seconds, up to 2 stacks
Udyr says this line "My most worthy and most beloved opponent"
Who is Lee Sin
This spirit god is the protective deity of Zaun but is known by another name in Shurima
What is False Idol