willing to do what someone tells you to do or to follow a law, rule, etc.
The first customer Parvana served in the market asked her to ...
read a letter
Paravana finds various items on her blanket in the marketplace given to her by the
window woman
Why did the girls decide to hold back from their families some of the money that they made from bone digging?
To save money for their trays
to agree to do or accept something that you have been resisting or opposing
What Parvana uses as her mascot while digging up bones.
The former classmate that Parvana meets in the market.
What did Shauzia say happened to people that went to prison?
they were never heard from again.
What does IDLE mean in the following sentence, "These clothes have been idle long enough"
When Parvana sold this item, it symbolized letting go of her past and starting her new life.
Shalwar kameez
Parvana uses this alias while working in the market.
Mrs. Weera used this to move her belongings
What does the word "dawdling" mean in the sentence "Mrs. Weera walked as though she were rounding up children who were dawdling after class"
taking their time
The worst part of pretending to be a boy for Parvana was ...
cutting her hair.
Before digging up bones, Shauzia worked as a
tea boy
What are two things that Mrs. Weera is doing to help the people of Afghanistan.
- Starting a magazine
- Starting a secret school for girls
What does the word BRUSQUELY mean in the following sentence, "Mother rubbed her names brusquely over Parvana's head to rub away any stray hairs"
Parvana's job after working in the marketplace
digging up bones
After the first day of digging up bones, Parvana goes to the water tap to clean her face, but instead she sticks her whole head under the water tap. Why?
She tries to wash the images of what she has done all day out of her head.
Mrs. Weera says that most of her family has been killed by " war, bombs, and ..."