Medieval Europe
The Black Death
Social & Economic Effects
Cultural Impacts

This war lasted from 1337 to 1453 and was fought between France and England over territory and succession to the French throne.

What is the 100 Year War?


The Black Death was caused by this bacterium, spread through fleas that lived on rats.

What is Yersinia pestis?


The Black Death spread to Europe through these trading routes, which were revived by the Mongol Empire.

What are the Silk Road and Mediterranean Sea routes?


Due to a labor shortage caused by the plague, these workers gained freedom of movement and demanded higher wages.

Who are serfs?


This plague-inspired artistic theme represents death affecting all social classes equally and became prominent after the Black Death.

 What is the Danse Macabre (Dance of Death)?


This devastating event between 1315-1322 was caused by intense crop failures and climate change, leading to the death of 10% of Europe's population.

What is the Great Famine?


This symbolic art form arose during the Black Death, showing death's indiscriminate impact on all social classes.

 What is the Danse Macabre (Dance of Death)?


According to one theory, the plague spread when Mongols used this method of biological warfare at the siege of Caffa.

What is catapulting infected bodies into the city?


After the plague, this system of government and social structure in Europe began to break down due to depopulation and economic shifts.

What is feudalism?


The Black Death led to questioning the authority of this powerful religious institution, as it failed to stop the disease.

What is the Catholic Church?


In medieval society, this group formed the bottom of the feudal system, growing their own food and serving under the king.

Who are serfs?


This version of the plague caused blood poisoning, turning the skin black and purple in certain areas.

What is septicemic plague?


This Italian trading city was one of the first European cities to be struck by the plague when ships returned from Caffa.

What is Genoa?


One positive social change from the Black Death was that women gained more control over these two aspects of life, although these rights diminished later.

What are land and money?


The Black Death is considered one of the catalysts for this intellectual and cultural movement that emerged in the early modern era.

What is the Renaissance?


This widespread plague killed 30-50% of Europe's population and transformed Eurasia during the 14th century.

What is the Black Death?


Fear of the plague caused Christians to turn on this marginalized group, falsely accusing them of spreading the disease.

Who are Jews?


This plague variant attacked the lungs, leading to symptoms like coughing blood and a rapid death.

What is pneumonic plague?


The labor crisis and higher wages resulting from the Black Death led to more people moving to these urban areas, transforming medieval society.

What are cities?


Due to persecution during the Black Death, many Jewish communities fled to these two regions in Eastern Europe.

What are Poland and Eastern Europe?


The map shows that the Black Death ...

Affected most areas of Western Europe.


The black death followed the path of these vital trade route, which had been revived by the Mongol Empire, allowing the diseases to spread rapidly from Asia to Europe and North Africa.

What is the Silk Road.


The Mongol siege of this trading city in the Black Sea is often cited as a potential origin point for the plague’s entry into Europe.

What is Caffa?


This event led to the eventual breakdown of the European Feudal system.

What is the labor Crisis ?


This iconic representation of death, often depicted as a skeletal figure, became popular in art during the Black Death and symbolized death's universality across all classes.

What is the Grim Reaper?