Which of these Bunglers is not a current admin of Bungle?
A. Ruru
B. Tsir
C. Pyro
D. Incan
(But their contributions to the site's infastructure cannot be overstated)
How many dabloons?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
What year was Bungle, as a group, founded?
A. 2008
B. 2009
C. 2010
D. 2011
Originally a MLP group, it was made in the private groups of Bungie.net in 2011.
How many official Off Topic/Derpic threads have there been on Bungle?
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14
There have been 13 official Off Topic/Derpic threads.
Don't ask for a bite of this Bungler's bento box, she won't share.
A. Shou
B. Dasboot
C. AJ89
D. MarsShadow
The friendly opossum is associated with which Bungler?
A. Maddie
B. Enigmatic Dog
C. Jazzu
D. Flaarg
Jazzu, of courseu!
A. Ender
B. Cindo
C. Lunar
D. Yele
Lunar wants to watch a movie.
Some Bunglers come from other Bungie.net off-sites older than Bungle; which of the following is the oldest Bungie.net off-site?
A. Roosterteeth
B. New Flood
C. Coup
D. Zetaboards
New Flood.
The original Group was founded around 2006/7 but moved to InvisionFree in 2008 (later zetaboards, then self hosted Discourse site).
Which badge has been awarded the most times on Bungle?
A. Welcome
B. Nice Reply
C. Anniversary
D. First Like
Nice Reply, by a significant margin, currently sitting at 22,000+ awarded badges.
The user Kam is associated with which emote?
A. Squid
B. Octopus
C. Blowfish
D. Crab
🐙 🐙 🐙
This Bungler was both the creator of the Wall of Shame and the former host of the BungleCast.
A. Jersh
B. Pie
C. Maddie
D. Ruru
If you see this image, that likely means that a Bungler is late for...?
A. Twain
B. Din Dins
C. Scwool
D. Cwass
What was the subversive format of the most recent Thoughts Tread?
A. Users wrote thoughts about themselves
B. Users wrote thoughts about other users through emojis
C. Users wrote thoughts about other users through their phone's predictive text
D. Users reported other user's posts and included their thoughts in the report.
Users wrote thoughts about other users through their phone's predictive text.
Which Bungle thread currently holds the record for the all-time highest accrued views?
A. Off Topic: Remastered
B. Who Are You?
C. Games that aren't big or discussed enough to have their own thread that you still want to talk about
D. You IRL
You IRL currently holds this record with 143k views. Who Are You follows this closely with 137k views.
The steel city may be the pits, but at least you could meet up with this cute Bungler there.
A. Urge
B. Maddie
C. Comix
D. MarsShadow
Which of these Bunglers recreates physical models of weapons from popular video games?
A. Khari
B. Eggsalad
C. Samtasm
D. Cornflakes
Flaarg will probably message you asking you to say something nice about his wife, what's her name again?
A. Honk
B. Takane
C. Coco
D. Hana
This is Takane, say something nice about her! (THIS IS A MANDATORY PART OF THE QUESTION)
The following are all subtitles to various Off Topic/Derpic threads on Bungle, except...
A. Derp Space Nine
B. The Undiscovered Derpic
C. The Meme Awakens
D. Memes San Frontières
Derp Space Nine
Of the following four threads, which has the lowest number of replies?
A. Off Topic: Remastered
B. Controversial Views thread
C. Politics General
D. Who Are You?
Controversial Views thread currently holds 72.5k replies, the lowest of the four. The thread with the highest amount of replies is Off Topic: Remastered, at a staggering 404k replies.
This resident Bungle artist has over 100k followers on Twitter.com
A. Jazzu
B. MarsShadow
C. Cathgul
D. Valmar
What is this OC's name?
A. Claudia
B. Umbra
C. Olive
D. Aurora
For how many days did the Daily Honk grace Bungle before ending?
A. 731
B. 644
C. 591
D. 465
Coup D Bungie is a notable part of Bungie.net history as it how many of our long-time members expressed themselves and their interests on Bungie.net. Who created Coup D Bungie?
A. Second Class
C. Colonel Corbec
D. Bobcast
CAVX created Coup D Bungie in Greasemonkey, allowing users to create custom themes for their Bungie.net profiles.
Of the following extremely rare badges, which of the following has not ever been awarded?
A. Good Topic
B. Out of Love
C. Champion
D. Grand Maester
"This badge is granted when you’ve invited 5 people who subsequently spent enough time on the site to become full members."
Every holiday season, this Bungler is transformed into the green menace, the Grunch.
A. Ruru
B. Winy
C. Yele
D. Comix
Every holiday season, Winy asks himself is he has truly become a monster.