What is Salmon's middle name?
What does "salad" mean?
What is Deano's two-word tagline?
Rip City
At what age did Mackenzie start playing hockey?
5 years old
What show are "the Moms" obsessed with?
What water can salmon live in?
fresh and salt water
What does "beautician" mean?
the coolest person on the team
What was Deano's high school nickname?
Fireball Freiheit
Who is Grandma's favorite grandchildren?
Sarah and Emily
What is Brooke licensed in other than driving?
What ship was Salmon stationed on in the Navy?
USS Ingram
What does "egg" mean?
when a game ends 0-0
What two flavors does Steve despise?
Coconut and butterscotch
How many holes have Clinton and Samuel put in walls?
Who is Kate's favorite singer?
Brett Eldredge
What year did Salmon win a state football championship with Deano as his coach?
What does "barn burner" mean?
When did Deano become a part owner at Appliance Village?
What does Hunter believe his spirit animal is?
Wolf (but really it's a panda)
What movie can Autumn quote the most?
Legally Blonde
How many eggs does a female Salmon carry?
4,000+ eggs
What does "chicklets" mean?
Where did the ambulance have to drive through when his mom was giving birth to him?
The zoo
Where did Gianna get her nickname "G-Slice"?
How many years has Jack & Alison been together?
8 years and some change