Who are the faithful?
Called to be Priest, Prophet and King
The Single Life
A Single Saint/ Lay Ecclesial Ministry

A reference to those Catholics who are not ordained clergy and who also have not entered into a state of consecrated life formally recognized by the Church. 

What is Laity? 


What is one way laypeople support their call to be priest, prophet, and king?

Through participation in parish life. 


What do single people do?

Live out their Christian vocation by depending on their gifts, interests, careers and abilities.


What does it mean to Evangelize?

The action of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ through words and witness.


What do you generally think of when something is referenced to the laity?

"Catholics who aren't ordained, clergy and who also have not entered into a state of consecrated life formally recognized by the church."


Water can be poured 3 times over the head, or the entire body is immersed into water.

What is Baptism?


What is a spiritual director ?

A priest or other person who is experienced and knowledgeable about faith, prayer, and spiritually and helps others to grow in their relationship with God.


What does the life of a lay Christian involve? (Give at least 2 examples.)

Interaction with the media, the marketplace, the local & national governments, and secular cultural establishments.


Speakers for God

What are: laypeople


Parish lay ecclesial ministry roles 

What is: parish catechetical leader, youth minister, school principal, and director of liturgy/and or music.


A person that God chooses to speak his message of salvation. In the Bible, primarily a communicator of divine message of repentance to the chosen people, not necessarily a person who predicted the future. 

What is: a prophet 


Make up the vast majority of Catholics, and they live the Church's mission in their everyday lives as they interact with secular society.

What are laypeople?


Why is it important not to confuse lay ecclesial ministers with the ordained clergy? 

What is: To ensure that the unique vocations of both the clergy and the laity are safeguarded from losing their distinctive characteristics. 


What is an Apostolate?

The Christian person's activity that fulfills the apostolic nature of the whole Chuch when he or she works to extend the kingdom of Christ to the entire world 


What should we do instead of defining the laity by who they are not? 

What is: We should consider them for who they are. Namely, full members of the Church who share their own specific role in spreading the Good News.