extreme boredom
Who said it?
"You don't learn, you die."
What is one of the problems Terry runs into his first night driving?
1) It's dark and he didn't check the headlines
2) It's raining
3) The car doesn't have a top
Terry is from...
Cleveland and/or Cleveland, Ohio
The 14-year-old main character of the book
To work properly
Who said it?
"The name is Blakely Bearcat, but it's got all Ford parts..."
What is Waylon's special power?
He hit the man at the gas station so quick and hard that Terry didn't even see it happen.
Terry is going to...
Portland and/or Portland, Oregon
A hitchhiker who gets in the car with Terry and travels with Terry
Not recognized by law
Who said it?
"I'm going to let it sit there and rot, and every time I look at the thing it will remind me to always get the money up front."
Terry's Dad
What does Waylon make for breakfast?
Beef stroganoff and/or coffee
Where Terry and Waylon see the men from the truck...
Gas station
Throws a beer bottle at the car
The Ford guy
The O.G. or first
Who said it?
"Ahh yes. A loner. I thought so. Me, too. But still, sometimes we have to work together or we fall apart, right?"
Who is Terry going to see in Oregon?
His uncle
The direction they are headed is...
Left Terry to fend for himself
Terry's parents
To get used to something
Which two people are talking here?
"What about your parents?
They left me."
Terry and Waylon
How fast does Terry say he is "exactly" going on the highway?
65 MPH
Waylon lives...
Worked with Waylon in Vietnam