An iceberg belongs to this Earth sphere
Where does photosynthesis occur?
The LEAVES (or chloroplast to be specific)
Name the compound that carbon is found in the atmosphere.
What is Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
How does combustion move carbon in the carbon cycle?
Burning fossil fuels returns carbon into the atmosphere.
What is the largest ‘big cat’ in the world?
The tiger (pure breed) or liger (lion tiger cross breed)
What is the most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere?
Does photosynthesis contribute to gains or losses of carbon for the atmosphere?
What is the role of decomposers in the carbon cycle?
What is breaking down organic matter back into carbon containing compounds adding them back to the geoshpere.
What is the word equation for combustion of fuels?
Fuel +oxygen -> emergy + other products
What is the largest Desert in the world?
Why can Earth’s spheres be described as overlapping?
The are interconnected and changes to one can impact another or all other spheres.
How does photosynthesis transfer carbon from the atmosphere to animals?
What is plants take in CO2 to make energy to grow. Animals then eat plants which transfers carbon to them
Where did the carbon in coal, oil and gas originally come from?
Dead animals and plants which over time decomposed and became compressed in the geosphere forming fossil fuels
What would Earth be like without greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect?
Much colder and not sustain life of plants and animals (think the moon)
What is the proper name for your funny bone?
The layer of atmosphere where jet streams are found?
Why do plants need carbon dioxide?
For energy (sugar) production
With the use of a word equation, why is respiration part of the carbon cycle?
Respiration releases CO2 into the atmosphere.
Respiration = glucose + oxygen -> CO2 + water
Name three gases in the atmosphere that cause the greenhouse effect.
Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and/or water vapour
What is the hottest planet in our solar system?
How does the atmosphere “protect all life on Earth?” (At least 4 points)
It allows us to breathe, gain energy from the food we eat, allows plants to make food, protects us from the Sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation and keeps the temperature of the surface constant.
What is the balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis reaction?
Carbon dioxide + water -> sugar + oxygen
6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2
Trace the pathway of carbon from the atmosphere through the carbon cycle.
Atmosphere -> plants via photosynthesis -> animals via consumption -> back to the atmosphere via respiration OR into the Earth via decomposition -> forming of fossil fuels -> combustion of fossil fuel -> into the atmosphere and oceans
why is it that scientists’ focus on the enhanced greenhouse effect is on carbon dioxide and not on other greenhouse gases?
Human activity is producing much more carbon dioxide than any other greenhouse gas from the burning of fossil fuels.
What is the collective term for a group of owls?
A parliament.