a blood vessel that allows an exchange between blood and cells in other tissue
What is a capillary
This circulation of blood between your heart and lungs is called
What is pulmonary circulation
To cause inhalation, what must happen to pressure in the lungs?
What is a decrease in pressure?
What are the 3 main parts of the cardiovascular system?
What is Heart, Blood vessels, and blood
The portion of the cardia cycle in which the heart contracts, forcing blood out to the body. This is when the blood pressure is at its peak.
What is systole
The exchange between alveoli and capillaries allows which gases to go where
What is oxygen in and carbon dioxide out of the blood
What is the function of the mucus membrane that lines the nasal cavities?
What is to filter the air
The portion of the cardiac cycle in which the heart relaxes and fills with blood to prepare for the next beat. This is when the blood pressure is at its minimum
What is diastole
What is the main hormone in hormonal heartbeat regulation?
What is adrenaline
What happens to your respiration rate when Carbon dioxide levels increase?
What is an increased breathing rate?
The contraction of the diaphragm and rib muscles and expansion of the chest cavity are part of which process?
What is inhalation/inspiration