Anatomy: Heart
Anatomy: Vessels
The prefix that means around, surrounding
What is does the prefix peri- mean, as in the pericardial sac?
The primary blood vessels that bring oxygenated blood from the lungs to the rest of the body
What is the difference between arteries and veins?
The three components of the cardiovascular system
What are the heart, blood vessels, and blood?
Root word meaning pertaining to the heart
What is cardi/o?
This kind of cholesterol can cause hypertension
What is LDL cholesterol? Low Density Lipoproteins (lipo-: fatty)
The pulmonary (pulmon/o: lungs) circuit takes deoxygenated blood to the heart and the systemic circuit takes oxygenated blood from heart to rest of body
What are the two pathways that blood takes through the body?
Erythrocytes (erythr/o: redness, -cyte: cell) and leukocytes (leuk/o:white, -cyte: cell)
What are the two main types of blood cells? And what do their root words mean?
The capillaries; where the exchange of material between blood and the surrounding tissues
What is the name for the smallest blood vessels?
The root word vascul/o
What is the root meaning pertaining to the blood vessels?
The clinical name for a heart attack
What is a myocardial infarction?
The right atrium and right ventricle , left atrium and left ventricle
What are the four chambers of the heart, which are each separated by septa (plural of septum)?
The very small vessels that connect capillaries to veins, bringing deoxygenated blood back to the heart
What are the venules?
Vasoconstriction (vas/o: vessel) makes the blood vessels tighter and vasodialation makes the blood vessels wider
How do the blood vessels regulate blood pressure?
The root word aort/o
What is the root word that refers to the largest artery - the aorta?
Atrial fibrillation
What is the name for an irregular heart beat where the atria beat faster than the ventricles
The 3 layers of the heart
What are the epicardium (epi-: upon), myocardium (my/o: muscle), and endocardium (endo: within)?
The vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the upper half of the body to the right atrium.
What is the superior vena cava?
One complete heart beat, including the systole (contraction) and diastole (relaxation) phases and the pause in between
What is the cardiac cycle?
The root word ventricul/o
What is the root word that refers to a chamber of the heart or a cavity in the brain?
Stroke, heart failure, heart attack, and kidney failure
What are some of the potential problems resulting from hypertension (hyper-:above, excessive), also known as high blood pressure?
The valve located between the left atrium and left ventricle.
What is the bicuspid (bi-: two), or mitral, valve?
Pulmonary arteries, which carry deoxegenated blood to the lungs and pulmonary veins, which receive oxygenated blood from alveoli of lungs.
Which two specific vessels carry the opposite type of blood that their type of vessels normally carry?
Electrical signals start in the SA node (sinoatrial), travel to the AV node (atrioventricular), proceed to the Bundle of His, and on to Purkinje network
What is the path of electrical conduction in the heart, which causes the myocardium to contract (the heart to beat)?
The root word meaning "gruel, fatty" in Greek that is used when referring to a particular hardening of arterial wall from a build up of fatty deposits
What is the root word ather/o?
The condition that results when a clot develops in a deep vein, primarily in the legs, that causes a blockage in blood flow.
What is a deep vein thrombosis (thromb/o: clot)?