Figurative Language
Literary Analysis

The phrase "nemo me impune lacessit" means "no one attacks me with impunity". What does "impunity" mean?

A. freedom         B. pride

C. friendship      D. no punishment

D. no punishment


"But observe the white web-work which gleams from these cavern walls" is an example of what figurative language?



Which best describes the mood, or atmosphere, of Poe's story? 

A. humorous      B. silly 

C. serious          D. suspenseful

D. suspenseful


With whom does Montresor have a conflict in "The Cask of Amontillado?"



In "The Cask of Amontillado," who is the narrator, the person who tells the story?



In the phrase "...had given them explicit orders not to stir from the house", what does explicit mean?

A. unclear   B. generic    C. specific    D. vague

C. specific


"It hangs like moss upon the vaults" is what type of figurative language?



According to this sentence, what has Fortunato done to Montresor? "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge" 

A. He has stabbed him 

B. He has robbed him 

C. He has insulted him 

D. He has stolen his wife

C. He has insulted him


In "The Cask of Amontillado," which event is the climax of the plot? 

A. Montresor meets Fortunato on the street 

B. Montresor brings Fortunato home 

C. Montresor walls up Fortunato 

D. Montresor confesses his crime

C. Montresor walls up Fortunato


Why does Fortunato go into the vaults 

A. to meet Montresor's ancestors 

B. to find some peace of mind 

C. to attend a meeting of masons 

D. to prove his wine expertise

D. to prove his wine expertise


How many nouns are in the following sentence: 

As I said these words I busied myself among the pile of bones of which I have before spoken.



"The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could" is what type of figurative language?



Why does Montresor tell his servants not to leave his house? 

A. he knows they will do the opposite 

B. He is afraid of being robbed 

C. He wants them to enjoy the carnival 

D. He is punishing him

A. he knows they will do the opposite


In "The Cask of Amontillado," what is the central conflict? 

A. narrator vs. Fortunato 

B. narrator vs. society 

C. narrator vs. Luchesi 

D. narrator vs. himself

A. narrator vs. Fortunato


What motivates Montresor to vow to take revenge upon Fortunato? 

A. Fortunato has threatened him 

B. Fortunato has insulted him 

C. Fortunato has ruined his business 

D. Fortunato has stolen his wife

B. Fortunato has insulted him

In the phrase "I perceive you have an engagement" what does the word engagement mean?

A. married     B. appointment     C. carnival   D. ring

B. appointment


In the phrase "I ceased my labors and sat down upon the bones. When the last of the clanking subsided, I resumed the trowel..", the word "clanking" is what type of figurative language?



Why does Montresor repeatedly warn Fortunato about the bad air in the vaults? 

A. he is sincerely concerned about Fortunato's well being 

B. He wants to make sure that Fortunato does not suspect him 

C. He hopes Fortunato will prevent him from committing the planned murder 

D. He wants to warn Fortunato that his death is near

B. He wants to make sure that Fortunato does not suspect him


Which event forshadows the resolution of "The Cask of Amontillado?" 

A. Montresor tells Fortunato that he has bought a large barrel of Amontillado 

B. Fortunato wears a parti-striped dress 

C. Montresor drinks to Fortunato's health with a bottle o Medoc 

D. Fortunato askes Montresor if he is a mason

D. Fortunato asks Montresor if he is a mason


When the narrator tells Fortunato, "I was silly enough to pay the full Amontillado price without consulting you in the matter," to what is he appealing? 

A. Fotunato's intelligence 

B. Fortunato's vanity 

C. Fortunato's humility 

D. Fortunato's sympathy

B. Fortunato's vanit


In the phrase "the gait of my friend was unsteady, and the bells upon his cap jingled as he strode" what does "gait" mean?

A. foot steps    B. laughter    C. dancing    D. shaking

A. foot steps


"...the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel" is an example of what figurative language that describes Montresor's revenge?



What can you infer about Fortunato from the following sentence: "He turned towards me, and looked into my eyes with two filmy orbs of intoxication?"

Fortunato is drunk


Early in the story, Poe has Montresor repeat the line "I have my doubts" to Fortunato. Why does he do this?

A. shows Fortunato doubts Montresor bought the wine

B. shows Montresor is also drunk

C. shows Montresor is uncertain about his plan

D. helps Montresor appeal to Fortunato's vanity

D. helps Montresor appeal to Fortunato's vanity


"He prided himself on his connoisseurship of wine." This phrase indicates that Fortunato thinks of himself as what?

A. a drinker of fine wine

B. an expert in wine

C. ignorant about wine

D. doesn't like wine

B. an expert in wine