Literary Analysis
Which word best describes the subject of "The Cask of Amontillado?" A. retribution B. recovery C. friendship D. Danger
A. retribution
What can you predict from the following sentence spoken by Montresor: "At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitely settled..." A. Montresor will not do anything B. Montresor will apologize C. Montresor will carry out his revenge D. Montresor will be murdered
C. Montresor will carry out his revenge
Which best describes the mood, or atmosphere, of Poe's story? A. humorous B. silly C. serious D. suspenseful
D. suspenseful
With whom does Montresor have a conflict in "The Cask of Amontillado?"
In "The Cask of Amontillado," who is the narrator, the person who tells the story?
In which sentence is the word explicit used correctly? A. Sam is an explicit person. B. Nora gave us explicit directions C. In explicit weather, stay home. D. She has explicit talent
B. Nora gave us explicit directions
Which statement proves that Montresor has succeeded in his quest for revenge? A. I looked at him in surprise B. The vaults are insufferably damp C. For half a century, no mortal has disturbed them D. The wine sparkled in his eyes and the bells jingled
C. For half a century, no mortal has distrubed them
According to this sentence, what has Fortunato done to Montresor? "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge" A. He has stabbed him B. He has robbed him C. He has insulted him D. He has stolen his wife
C. He has insulted him
In "The Cask of Amontillado," which event is the climax of the plot? A. Montresor meets Fortunato on the street B. Montresor brings Fortunato home C. Montresor walls up Fortunato D. Montresor confesses his crime
C. Montresor walls up Fortunato
Why does Fortunato go into the vaults A. to meet Montresor's ancestors B. to find some peace of mind C. to attend a meeting of masons D. to prove his wine expertise
D. to prove his wine expertise
How many nouns are in the following sentence: As I said these words I busied myself among the pile of bones of which I have before spoken.
What is Montresor's attitude towards revenge? What two items are necessary in order for revenge to be successful?
Must be undertaken carefully so as to avoid being caught Must ensure that the individual being punished is aware of who is responsible for the revenge
Why does Montresor tell his servants not to leave his house? A. he knows they will do the opposite B. He is afraid of being robbed C. He wants them to enjoy the carnival D. He is punishing him
A. he knows they will do the opposite
In "The Cask of Amontillado," what is the central conflict? A. narrator vs. Fortunato B. narrator vs. society C. narrator vs. Luchesi D. narrator vs. himself
A. narrator vs. Fortunato
What motivates Montresor to vow to take revenge upon Fortunato? A. Fortunato has threatened him B. Fortunato has insulted him C. Fortunato has ruined his business D. Fortunato has stolen his wife
B. Fortunato has insulted him
Choose the sentence in which precluded is used correctly A. The arrival of Hurricane Francis precluded Sandra's flying back to Chicago. B. Husam carefully precluded his books and lunch in his back pack C. Gloria precluded everyone in her invitation to her birthday party. D. The stores precluded all of their merchandise for the sale
A. The arrival of Hurricane Francis precluded Sandra's flying back to Chicago.
When Montresor and Fortunato set out for Montresor's Palazzo, what did you predict the outcome of the story would be? What clues or details did you base your prediction on?
Fortunato's fate was sealed and Montresor would succeed in his quest for revenge. Fortunatos' ill health, his drunkeness and pride, which are weaknesses that enable Montresor to succeed
Why does Montresor repeatedly warn Fortunato about the bad air in the vaults? A. he is sincerely concerned about Fortunato's well being B. He wants to make sure that Fortunato does not suspect him C. He hopes Fortunato will prevent him from committing the planned murder D. He wants to warn Fortunato that his death is near
B. He wants to make sure that Fortunato does not suspect him
Which event forshadows the resolution of "The Cask of Amontillado?" A. Montresor tells Fortunato that he has bought a large barrel of Amontillado B. Fortunato wears a parti-striped dress C. Montresor drinks to Fortunato's health with a bottle o Medoc D. Fortunato askes Montresor if he is a mason
D. Fortunato asks Montresor if he is a mason
When the narrator tells Fortunato, "I was silly enough to pay the full Amontillado price without consulting you in the matter," to what is he appealing? A. Fotunato's intelligence B. Fortunato's vanity C. Fortunato's humility D. Fortunato's sympathy
B. Fortunato's vanit
Why does Montresor use the catacombs as the setting for his revenge? A. it is his favorite place in his house B. it is filled with ghosts C. no one will find Fortunato there D. Fortunato is afraid of bones
C. no one will find Fortunato there
What can you infer about Fortunato from the following sentence: "He turned towards me, and looked into my eyes with two filmy orbs of intoxication?"
Fortunato is drunk
Early in the story, Poe has Montresor repeat the line "I have my doubts" to Fortunato. Why does he do this?
repetition creates uneaase and anticipation helps montresor appeal to Fortunato's vanity and use it to his advantage
In the paragraph near the end of the story, Fortunato begins to scream and Montresor answers those screams. What does Montresor's behavior tell you about his state of mind? Did this behavior cause you to revise your earlier prediction?
unstable and possibly insane Maybe thought he would abandon his task or become more convinced that Montresor would succeed in murdering Fortunato.