Holden consistently describes his eldest brother D.B. as this.
What is a "prostitute"?
Pencey Prep serves this meal for the boys every Saturday night.
What is "steak"?
Holden asks Morrow's mother to accompany him to this location.
Where is the "club car for drinks"?
This room in the hotel is where Holden goes after his call with Faith Cavendish.
Where is the "Lavender Room"?
He is the wrestler that Holden and Ackley goes to the movies with.
Who is "Mal Brossard"?
Holden is a manager of this sport at Pencey Prep.
What is "The fencing team"?
Holden agrees to write this assignment for Stradlater.
What is "his composition"?
Ernest Morrow's mother is told this lie by Holden.
What is "he is going home early to have a brain tumor removed".
This incident causes Holden and Jane to have their first encounter.
What is "Jane's dog continually relieves itself in Holden's yard"?
He is a funeral home director and one of the many people Holden considers a phony.
Who is "Ossenburger"?
Ackley is described by Holden as...
What is "a student that lives next to Holden and has really poor hygiene"?
Stradlater asks Holden to quit doing this in the room.
What is "Smoking"?
Holden likes to ride the train at night for these reasons.
What is "he can read a one of the magazine stories and enjoys the vendors in the aisle"?
Holden is upset with Marty, Laverne, and Bernice as they leave for this reason.
What is "They didn't offer to pay for their drinks"?
He is the Dean of Students at one of Holden's old schools, Elkton Hills.
Who is "Mr. Haas"?
What is "Where do the ducks in Central Park go when the lagoon freezes"?
Stradlater is mad at Holden for the way he has written the composition for this reason.
What is "It was supposed to be about a house or a room"?
Holden is astonished by these two acts he sees at the hotel.
What is "a man dressing in drag and a couple spitting water in each other's mouths"?
Horowitz is repeatedly called this term by Holden.
What is "sore"?
He is the Princeton student who gave Holden the number of Faith Cavendish.
Who is "Eddie Birdsell"?
This smell is overpowering as Holden enters Mr. Spencer's room.
What is the "smell of Vick's Nose Spray"?
This thought torments Holden throughout chapter 4.
What is the "thought of Jane and Stradlater together"?
This quote is repeated by Ackley following the fight.
What is "What the hell was the fight about, anyhow?"?
Holden says he feels sorry for Lillian Simmons for this reason.
What is "nobody likes her, not even her boyfriend"?
He is briefly mentioned as being one of Holden's friends at his old school, even though they didn't get along.
Who is "Carl Luce"?