Plot Details
Quotation IDs
Name the US State with the lowest population.
Holden does this to divert attention away from himself and cover up what he is doing. The only time he stops doing it is when he stops talking altogether.
What is lying.
Holden's roommate who hides his slobbishness behind a falsely clean appearance. He is clean-shaven, but uses a dirty razor; likewise, he is "yearbook handsome" and popular with girls, but takes advantage of them.
Who is Stradlater.
This is where Holden goes immediately after his fight with Stradlater.
What is Ackley's Room.
Who said it: "Life is a game, son, a game one plays according to the rules."
Who is Old Spencer.
On The Simpsons, where does Homer work?
Nuclear power plant
What does Holden see when he looks in the windows of the other rooms in the hotel? How does he feel about it?
He sees a number of adults engaged in acts of perversion. He is fascinated by this, because of his inexperience, but it confirms his idea that adults are a bunch of phonies, people who act differently from how they really are.
The smartest member of the Caulfield family, who had red hair, wrote poems on his fielder's mitt, and died of leukemia.
Who is Allie Caulfield.
Holden asks Horwitz the cab driver if the ducks are still here, or if they've flown away for the winter.
What is The Central Park Lagoon.
Who said, "I don't think this is a smoker, Rudolf"
Who is Mrs. Morrow
Which US war had the most American deaths?
The Civil War
Holden feels terrible about doing this, although his fencing team was home early enough to watch the football game with Saxon Hall.
What is lost all the fencing team's equipment on the subway.
He makes Holden read his awful essay out loud and uses a "tough love" approach to help Holden shape up.
Who is Mr. Spencer.
Holden gets a room here for his first night on his own. The views are...interesting, to say the least
What is the Edmont Hotel
What is going on in Holden's head when Holden yells, "Sleep tight, ya morons!" to his entire building? Why is this quotation important.
He's running away from Pencey, and trying to avoid his troubles. He believes that there is nobody who he can trust, and that everyone at Pencey is fake. He can't stay there another moment. It seems he is coming apart.
What rock star was trying to bite the head off a bat in concert when the bat decided to bite back?
Ozzy Osbourne
Name two things Holden lies about to Ernie Morrow's mom.
1) His name (Rudolf Schmidt, the janitor) 2) Her son is a popular and modest guy 3) Leaving school early to go to New York for a brain tumor operation
He used to be a great writer, but now he just "prostitutes" himself for the movies.
Who is D.B. Caulfield.
After he runs away from school, Holden hops on a train headed toward:
What is New York.
Why does Holden get so upset when Stradlater tells him that what happened on his date with Jane is a "professional secret?"
Holden doesn't trust Stradlater and worries that he took advantage of Jane. He is also upset that Stradlater is making jokes about a girl who Holden cares about and respects.
Name 5 villains from any of the Batman movies (6 movies)
Joker, Catwoman, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Penguin, The Riddler, Two-Face, The Scarecrow
Name two things that happen when Holden goes to the Lavender Room nightclub in the Edmont Hotel.
What is: 1) Dances with three women from Oregon 2) Tries to order alcohol, but the waiter refuses to serve him 3) Holden pretends to see Gary Cooper (a movie actor) 4) Holden buys the drinks for the three women, even after they make fun of him.
A pretty girl who Holden likes and respects. She "keeps all her kings in the back row."
Who is Jane Gallagher.
Name one of the other schools Holden has attended besides Pencey.
What are: The Whooton School or Elkton Hills
What does Holden show about himself when he says the following quote, "I don't care if it's a sad good-by or a bad good-by, but when I'm leaving a place I like to know I'm leaving it. If you don't, you feel even worse."
Even though he hates Pencey, he still wants to make a connection with something.