Who is Holden Caufield? Give two facts about him.
Holden is a 16 year old former student at a Prep School in Pennsylvania. He narrates the story from a mental hospital in California. He was a heavy smoker, is depressed, comes from money...
Why can't Holden make a real fist?
He broke it the night his little brother died of leukemia by punching out all the windows in the garage.
Who is Phoebe?
Phoebe is Holden's little sister.
something that is stinking and/or rotting
What is putrid?
What does Holden write Stradlater's composition about?
His deceased brother, Allie's baseball mitt.
What is Holden thinking about while Mr. Spencer is lecturing him and he's giving Mr. Spencer a "lot of bull"?
the ducks in Central Park
What happened to the composition Holden wrote for Stradlater?
Stradlater told Holden he didn't follow the directions, so Holden ripped it up.
a disturbing or very upsetting description
What is harrowing?
What does Holden buy in NYC for a buck?
a red hunting hat
What is the difference between Robert Ackley and Ward Stradlater?
Ackley is the next-door roommate to Holden who is a complete slob who never brushed his teeth and touched all of Holden's things; Stradlater is Holden's roommate who is a "secret slob" because he's handsome and looks put together but has dirty toiletries.
What do Stradlater and Holden REALLY fight about? Hint: Think about why Holden is really mad at Stradlater. . .
Holden is worried that Stradlater will take advantage of Jane. He is jealous of Stradlater because he has feelings for Jane.
an uneasiness or doubt about the future
What is a qualm?
Why do you think Holden lies so often?
BONUS: Write one lie that he tells.
He can't handle the truth (reality) because it is too depressing to him.
Various answers
What was the "dirty trick" that Holden's old History teacher played on him?
He read Holden's exam answer back to him out loud, along with the note Holden wrote and attached to his test.
to exclude or avoid talking to
What is to ostracize?
What does Holden wonder about the ducks in Central Park?
Where do they go when the lagoon freezes over? Does someone come around with a truck and take them to the zoo, or do they have to fly somewhere warmer on their own?
What reason did Holden give for not going downstairs to see Jane when she was waiting for Stradlater to get ready for their date?
Because he "wasn't in the mood".
Who is Ms. Morrow and why does Holden lie to her?
Ms. Morrow is the mother of one of Holden's classmates. He lies to her because he doesn't want to face his own reality right now; it is too depressing. He also wants her to have a proud view of her son, even though he is a real jerk.
True or False: Someone very shy and modest could be called an exhibitionist.
False - Someone who likes attention could be called an exhibitionist.
Explain the symbolism of the red hunting hat or the ducks in Central Park. What do they actually represent?
red hunting hat: represents a protective shield, warmth, comfort in times that Holden is feeling vulnerable
ducks in Central Park: represent Holden himself (Is someone going to help him through his crisis or is he going to have to figure it out on his own?)