Where is The Cay located?
In the Devil's Mouth
Name the three characters who were stranded on The Cay.
Stew Cat
What war was taking place during this novel?
World War II
Where was Stew Cat at the end of the novel?
He remained with Phillip.
What does Aviation mean?
Army Air Force/Airplane
Where were Phillip and his Mom evacuating the island to?
They were going back to Virginia.
Which of Phillip's parents had a job at the oil refinery?
Phillip's father.
What is the original conflict between Phillip and his mom?
Grace wants to evacuate the island, but Phillip does not.
Why was Stew Cat on the Hato?
He was the chef's cat that was aboard the ship.
What is a refinery?
A large plant that processes oil.
Where is Henrick's family from?
Why did Phillip not trust Timothy at first?
Because of the color of his skin.
What was the "turning point" of Phillip and Timothy's relationship?
When Timothy slapped Phillip for being disrespectful.
Where does Stew Cat supposedly go during the hurricane?
He climbed the palm and stayed on higher ground.
What does Rancid mean?
Smelling foul.
What was the name of the island that the oil refinery was on?
Where did Phillip's family move from?
West Virginia.
What date was the Hato torpedoed?
April 6th, 1942.
Where was Stew Cat when Timothy was clearing the Jumbi from the Island?
On the raft that was tied to the island.
What is a Galleon?
A large sailing ship.
Where is Timothy originally from?
Charolette Amalie
What was the origin of the Navy that rescued Phillip?
They were from the United States.
How many months was Phillip stranded on The Cay?
5 Months
What did Stew Cat kill?
A bird that was attacking Phillip.
What is a Catchment?
A structure designed to catch water.