The end of the Cell Cycle
What is Cytokinesis?
The cell is growing, replicating its DNA, and doing its normal cell job.
What is Interphase?
Bunched up chromatin.
The proteins that regulate checkpoints.
What are cyclins?
What is two?
The first two phases of the Cell Cycle.
What are Interphase and M Phase?
Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite ends of the cell.
What is anaphase?
This holds together a duplicated chromosomes.
What is a centromere?
The checkpoint that checks cell growth.
What is G1?
The division of the nucleus.
What is mitosis?
This part of the Cell Cycle is broken into four pieces.
What is mitosis?
Chromosomes line up in the middle.
What is Metaphase?
Long, thin strands of DNA.
What is chromatin?
The checkpoint that checks that chromosomes are lined up and spindle fibers are attached correctly.
What is the M Checkpoint?
Cells that quickly divide but are not meant to be targeted by chemotherapy.
What are hair cells.
What are prokaryotic cells?
Two new nuclei are formed.
What is Telophase?
Two identical parts of a duplicated chromosome.
What are sister chromatids?
Not a true checkpoint, but happens between checkpoints. DNA is replicating during this time.
What is the S Phase?
How many chromosomes are in each body cell.
Cells that do not participate in the cell cycle. (They've gone rogue.)
What are cancer cells?
Two new cells are formed.
What is Cytokinesis?
These create spindle fibers.
What are centrioles?
The checkpoint that checks that a cell's DNA has replicated correctly.
What is G2?
The process by which prokaryotic cells divide.
What is binary fission?