Where does Anime originate from?
How do you pronounce manga?
What is the best selling video game console of all time?
Who won the first Super Bowl?
The Green Bay Packers
Who plays Venom in the Live Action Venom Movie?
Tom Hardy
What anime are in the "Big 3"?
One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach
How are manga read?
Right to Left
What are the major companies of console gaming?
Nintendo, Xbox, and Playstation
What NFL team hired professional cheerleaders first?
Dallas Cowboys
What is Thor's hammer called?
Where is the anime Death Note banned?
What is the best-selling manga magazine?
What is the best-selling video game of all time?
What sport was the only one to be ever played on the moon?
What is Iron Man's biggest suit?
Mark 38 or "Igor"
What is the highest grossing anime film of all time?
Your Name
What is the best-selling manga series?
One Piece
What is the best selling video game series of all time?
What is the average life span of a MLB baseball?
Who wanted to play Spider-Man in the 90's?
Micheal Jackson
Who is the author of One Piece?
Eiichiro Oda
How much money usually are manga volumes in English?
What is the longest Assassins Creed game?
Assassins Creed Odyssey
Who has won the most Olympic Medals?
Micheal Phelps
What was Black Panther's temporary name due to a revolutionary political party?
Black Leopard