100: This name of God means “The Lord Will Provide.”
Answer: What is Jehovah-Jireh?
100: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not ____. He makes me lie down in green ____, He leads me beside still ____.”
Answer: What are want, pastures, waters? (Psalm 23:1-2)
God’s faithfulness is described as new every morning in this Old Testament book.
Answer: What is Lamentations?
This young shepherd defeated a giant with just a sling and a stone, declaring, “The battle is the Lord’s.”
Who is David?
This Old Testament king wrote, “Surely goodness and loving-kindness will follow me all the days of my life.”
Who is David?
200: This name of God means “The Lord is Peace.”
Answer: What is Jehovah-Shalom?
200: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have _____. For God did not send His Son into the world to ____ the world, but that the world through Him might be ____.”
Answer: What are everlasting life, condemn, saved? John 3:16-17
This patriarch’s wife laughed when told she would have a child, but God’s faithfulness made it happen.
Answer: Who is Sarah?
In Exodus 14:14, Moses told the Israelites, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be ______.”
What is still?
Loving Kindness / Steadfast love
300: El Shaddai is often translated as this.
Answer: What is God Almighty?
300: “I can do all things through Christ who ____. Yet it was good of you to ____ in my ____.”
Answer: What are strengthens me, share, troubles? (Philippians 4:13-14)
This verse says, If we are faithless, He remains faithful
what is: for He cannot deny Himself
“For the weapons of our warfare are not..."
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;
In the story of Ruth, this person showed loving-kindness to Ruth by allowing her to glean in his field.
Who is Boaz
This name of God means “The Lord is My Shepherd.”
Answer: What is Jehovah-Raah?
400: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own ____; in all your ways ____ Him, and He will make your paths ____.”
Answer: What are understanding, acknowledge, straight? (Proverbs 3:5-6)
During their journey in the wilderness, how did God demonstrate His faithfulness to the Israelites every day for 40 years?
What is : by providing manna for them to eat and guiding them with a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night?
In 2 Chronicles 20, King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah won a battle by doing this instead of fighting.
What is praising God?
After the Israelites worshipped the golden calf, what did Moses do to appeal to God's loving-kindness?
What is Moses interceded on behalf of the Israelites, asking God to forgive them and spare their lives?
500: Adonai emphasizes this aspect of God’s character.
Answer: What is His Lordship or Sovereignty?
“No weapon formed against you shall ____; and every tongue which rises against you in ____ you shall ____.”
Answer: What are prosper, judgment, condemn? (Isaiah 54:17)
What specific provision from a foreign king demonstrated God’s faithfulness to Nehemiah’s mission?
Answer: What is King Artaxerxes granting Nehemiah permission, letters of safe passage, and materials for rebuilding the walls?
This warrior judge defeated the Midianites with only 300 men, showing that the victory belonged to God.
Who is Gideon
What promise did God make to David as an act of His enduring loving-kindness?
God promised David an everlasting dynasty, ensuring that one of his descendants would reign forever?