Vocabulary Terms
Vocabulary Continued
Reading Comprehension
Comprehension Continued
All About Chimps!

If something is kept in confinement that is called what?

What is Captive


Places of refuge or protection are called what?

What is Sanctuaries


True or False: Chimpanzees have excellent memory?

What is True


What is it called when humans are trying to teach the chimpanzees how to communicate?

What is ASL or American Sign Language


What was the name of the author and scientist that spent her life studying chimpanzees?

What is Jane Goodall


The condition of being is known as what?

What is Existence


A fellowship or friendly feeling between two people is called a what?

What is Companionship


True or False: Can chimpanzees communicate using computers?

What is True


What did the chimpanzees do if they did not know how to sign for the thing that wanted?

What is They would connect two words together that they did know to explain what they wanted.


How are chimpanzees unlike most other animals?

Answers my vary


If something is lively or engaging that is known as being what?

What is Stimulating


She joined the Film Club so she could meet people who liked _______ conversations about movies.

What is Stimulating


Describe the living condition of the chimpanzees held in captivity.

What is Cement floors, 5' X 5' X 7' bare steel barred cages, all alone, bored, and uncomfortable.


Besides sign language what else were the chimpanzees able to be taught to do that we can do?

What is Paint, ride a bike, sew, draw, recognize themselves in mirrors.


What was the one thing humans tried but could not teach chimpanzees to do? What was the reason they could not teach them?

What is To speak words because their vocal chords are different.


Something that is considered very simple is also known as being what?

What is Primitive


Margaret really enjoyed the _______ among her friends. 

What is Companionship


List one example from the story that has or does occur to chimpanzees when in captivity.

Answers will vary


List one example from the story of something that has or does occur to chimpanzees in captivity?

Answer will vary.


How did the chimpanzees act toward humans after being in their small cement cages for years?

What is They were desperate for contact; reaching out to touch through the cages bars.


Going through a severe test or experience is a what?

What is Ordeal


Humans only know the _______ of aliens through watching Sci-Fi movies.

What is Existence


Describe at least one reason from the story that chimpanzees are becoming extinct.

What is Forests (their homes) being destroyed, Caught in snares, Sold to dealers as live trade, and Commercial hunting ("Bush meat" trade).


More chimpanzees are being declared as "surplus" making them become an endangered species. What are we are humans doing to help prevent the extinction of chimps?

What is Animal welfare groups are attempting to raise money to rescue the chimpanzees from their prisons and build sanctuaries for them to live the rest of their lives in peace. 


Give me one example of a tool using behavior that chimpanzees exhibit?

What is Some answers may include using twigs or grass to get termites or vicious bugs, using leaves to catch water, clean themselves with leaves, use sticks to intimidate others, use rocks to open nuts or get into trees.