What is a PUPIL?
A Student
Who is the main character with The Chocolate Touch?
John Midas
What was Dr. Cranium's advice for John?
Dr. Cranium advised John to stop eating so much candy.
What did John Midas like to eat?
What does it mean to be ANXIOUS?
Feeling worried, a feeling of stress
What is the name of the teacher?
Miss Plimsole
What was in the candy box John bought?
There was one piece of chocolate in the candy box John bought.
Where did John have red spots?
his nose
What is an ORCHESTRA?
A group of people who play music together
What is the name of the Doctor the main character sees for his problem?
Dr. Cranium
Why did John eat all the toothpaste?
John ate all the toothpaste because it tasted like chocolate.
What did John find with his initials on it?
a coin
This does DOUBTFUL mean?
Not really believing something is true
Why was Susan angry with John at school?
Susan was angry with John because he bit off a piece of her prized coin.
What was the red brick building?
a candy shop
What is a THRONG?
A big group of people
Who is the character Spider?
A bully who teases John and ate his glove, which tasted like leather...to him!
Why was John envious of the other students in the cafeteria?
John was envious of the other students because they could eat and drink regular food and milk but everything he ate turned to chocolate.
How many pieces of chocolate where in the candy box?
What does CONCENTRATE mean?
To think carefully about what we are doing
What does TRIUMPH mean?
To win something, victory
Why did John have trouble playing the trumpet solo?
John has trouble playing the trumpet solo because his trumpet turned into chocolate.
What did John's pencil change into?
What does SOGGY/DRENCHED mean?
Very wet, something is full of water, soaked
What is wealth?
A person has a lot of money and riches.
Why did the storekeeper want to teach John a lesson?
The storekeeper wanted to teach John not to be selfish and to think of other not only himself.
John was a member of which group in school?
What does PROVE mean?
To show that something is true
What is BRASS?
A shiny metal made of copper and zinc
Why couldn't John thank the storekeeper at the end of the story?
John could not thank him because the store and the storekeeper had disappeared.
Which event did they have at Susan's house?
birthday party
What does AMBLE mean?
To walk slowly and comfortably
The owner of a store
Who changed into a chocolate statue?
Mrs. Midas
What did Dr. Cranium say that John had?