Name an author of the New Testament
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul
How do Adam and Eve disobey God?
They eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
What covenant does God make with Abraham?
Abraham will have descendents as numerous as the stars and will inherit the Promised Land
Why is Joseph's story in the Bible? (name one of two reasons)
He is one of the few people who are good role models/his story explains why Israel is in Egypt at the start of Exodus
Name an author of the Old Testament
Moses, David, Solomon, Isaiah
What phrase is used to describe each day of Creation?
"God saw that it was good"
Why does God flood the earth?
Humanity is completely rebellious against God
Abraham __________ God and it was credited to him as __________
Believed... righteousness
What is ONE of the themes of Exodus?
Deliverance, Covenant, Presence of God
What is the word for a culture that is focused more on the community than the individual?
What is special about how humans are made?
We are made in the image of God
What is the word for the special type of promise/agreement God makes?
How did Abraham demonstrate faith when God first speaks to him?
He leaves behind his home country to go far away
What do plagues 2-4 (frogs, gnats, and flys) reveal about God?
He controls all realms - water, land, and sky
What did ancient cultures assume about where the world came from?
Spiritual reality
What do we learn about God through the Creation story?
He values rest, He is structured and organized, He is relational, He makes good things
What does God promise Adam and Eve after the Fall?
An offspring will come who will crush the serpent
What is significant about the way in which God makes the covenant with Abraham?
Only God walks through the pieces - He knows Abraham and his people will fail
What is the significance of the boils in the 6th plague?
Boils make people unclean and cut off from God
How are we supposed to view the characters of the Bible?
Complicated, not necessarily role models, show us our sin
What command does God give humans in the Garden?
Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it
What covenant does God make with Noah?
Sons born miraculously, obedient to their father, God provides a lamb for Isaac but Jesus is the Lamb of God
What does the 10th plague (death of the firstborn) reveal about God?
God holds life and death in His hand