When and to Whom did Jesus first appear after He was crucified?

Easter Sunday Morning and Who is Mary of Magdela?


Who is Mary's much older Cousin and Who told Mary that her cousin was pregnant?

Mary's cousin is Elizabeth and Archangel Gabriel informed Mary about Elizabeth.


Where and to Whom Jesus said He returns.

Where is Heaven and Who is Your Father and My Father.


What is 1 of the 3 names often used for the Holy Spirit?

The Helper, the Counselor, the Paraclete.


According to the Gospel, Jesus said he came the first time to serve not to be served. Who will He be when He returns?

Who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords?


What was/is Jesus' greeting when He encounters anyone?

Peace be with you.


Many graces came from Mary's visit with her cousin Elizabeth. What prayers are we blessed to receive from that visit?

What are the Hail Mary and the Magnificat?


What is the reason for the delay in Jesus' return to His Heavenly Home?

Jesus wanted to stay long enough with His immediate Disciples and hundreds of others so they would know He really had risen and to get them ready for their Mission as The Church.


What is the significance of Pentecost?

Before Jesus' Disciples received the Holy Spirit, they were afraid to go among the Jews and Romans. After receiving the Holy Spirit, they were emboldened. They found new courage to share their testimony for Christ.


What does the Apostle St.Paul tell us will be seen and heard when Jesus returns?

"Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."


When do all Christians agree that Jesus rose from the dead?

Easter Sunday morning. On the 3rd day of His Passion beginning with Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.


When did Mary learn that her cousin Elizabeth was pregnant?

During the Annunciation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mary learned of Elizabeth's pregnancy.


When after rising from the dead does Jesus return Home?

40 days later.


When was the first Pentecost?

50 days after Easter Sunday.


When will Jesus return to judge the living and the dead?

Even Jesus says that He does not know the day or the hour, but only God the Father knows.


On the Sunday afternoon when Jesus rose from the dead, where did he encounter 2 travelers and where they coming from (and on their way to where)?

What is the Road to Emmaus from Jerusalem?


Where did Mary go to be with cousin Elizabeth?

Where is the Hill Country some 90 miles from Mary's home.


From where did Jesus return to Heaven?

Where is Galilee?


Where had the Disciples been hiding prior to Pentecost?

Where is the Cenacle or Upper Room?


After life on this Earth ceases to be, what does sacred scripture say will become of human beings, i.e. of mankind?

After this life on Earth, those who believe and follow Jesus Christ will experience a new Heaven and a new Earth, according to sacred scripture. (St. John, Revelation)


Why did God the Father choose to have His Son suffer and die for Man's sins?

Only the life of Jesus - God's own son - could be the equal of and actually be worth more than all humanity, past, present, and future. By dying, He destroyed death. Rising, Jesus restored our lives.


What is the question Elizabeth aked of her cousin Mary and what is the answer?

Why does the Mother of My Lord come to visit me? Mary is truly the humblest of all people; thus the greatest.


Why did Jesus meet with the Disciples - who would become Apostles - in Galilee? 

Jesus and His Disciples returned to where His Earthly Ministry had begun 3.5 years earlier.


Why is Pentecost so significant?

Not only did the Disciples or followers of Christ become Apostles or people who would go forth to preach and spread the Gospel message from Jesus Christ, but it also reversed the 'curse' put on mankind after the Tower of Babel.


Why is Jesus' return taking so very long?

Revelation foretells much of what is happening even now. So, while some think the end is near, according to God's timing, mankind may have another millennia or two before the end.