Circus Animals
Circus Performers/Acts
Circus Foods
Circus Facts
Social Scenarios

This animal has orange and black stripes

What is a tiger?


These people wear makeup on their faces and usually have a red nose. They are there to make you laugh, often by making funny faces and doing silly things. Some people are scared of them though!

Who are clowns?


You eat me at the movies. Don't forget to add butter!

What is popcorn?


This snack has different animals that often are found at the circus. 

What are animal crackers?


You want to gain someone's attention to buy a snack. What could you do?

Politely say "excuse me" to the person selling the snack to gain their attention. 


Simba, Nala, Mufasa, and Scar are this type of animal

What are lions?


The act of continuously throwing and catching more than 1 ball or object in the air for as long as possible without dropping anything. Have you tried it? It's really hard!

What is juggling?


You'll find me in a bun. Put ketchup or mustard and maybe some relish on me and I'm delicious to eat at a BBQ.

What is a hotdog? (or hamburger)


A place a circus can be held. 

HINT: It also protects you when you go camping.

What is a tent?


Someone is talking very loudly behind you. What could you do?

You could politely ask them to lower their voice or wait to talk until the act is over and explain that you cannot hear. 


Lions, tigers, and _____, oh my!

What are bears?


What people use to swing like a monkey way up high!

What is a trapeze?


I am a sweet and sugary candy/snack that looks like a cloud. I am often pink or blue, but can be other colors too!

What is cotton candy?


You may hear a group of people playing instruments at the circus like a trumpet, saxophone, and drums. When people play instruments in a group, it is called a _______. 

HINT: In parades, you often see a marching ____. 

What is a band?


Someone is standing in front of you. What could you do?

You can politely ask them to sit down because you cannot see.


This animal is closely related to humans. We both enjoy eating fruits, like bananas!

What are chimpanzees? (or monkeys)


This person needs good balance to walk across a tiny rope or wire!

Who is a tightrope walker?

I'm a delicious snack that comes in different shapes like sticks, rods, and knots. I can be crunchy or soft with salt on top!

What is a pretzel. 


This person is "in charge" of the circus. Their job is to  introduce the different acts and direct your attention to the different areas of the circus arena.

Who is the ringmaster?


You really enjoyed a specific act. What could you do?

When the act is over, you can clap and maybe even give a standing ovation.


This is a very large animal that can weigh up to 15,000 pounds. They use their long nose to drink, bathe, smell, grab, and make trumpeting sounds. 

What is an elephant?


This is when a person get launched out of a large machine and lands far away on a mat. It is also the name of a jumo into the pool where you tuck your knees and make a big splash!

What is a (human) cannonball.


Good to eat on a hot day! I am made from ice and can be different flavors and colors.

What are snow cones?


A circus usually has this many "rings".

What are 3 rings.


An act is boring or scary to you. What could you do?

You could tell your parent and maybe quietly leave the area or remain in your seat if you're bored and patiently wait for the act to end while still giving your attention to the performers.