This person refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus, who then lead a boycott.
Who is Rosa Parks?
Dr. King was influenced by this person, whom he adopted his current name.
Who is Martin Luther?
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
What is SNCC?
This is a form of protest by sitting down.
What is a sit-in?
The square root of 81.
What is 9?
This president would sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law which would ban discrimination based on certain statuses.
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?
Who is Michael?
The Council of Racial Equality
What is Latino?
The number of colors in the traditional rainbow.
What is 7?
This person asked people to boycott grapes in an attempt to help unionize farm workers.
Who is Cesar Chavez?
The number of times Dr. King was jailed. One of his longest sentences? 2 weeks.
What is 30?
The American Indian Movement.
What is AIM?
What is civil disobedience?
The number of vowels in the word 'Mississippi'.
What is 1?
This president was assassinated in Dallas while he was in a motorcade.
Who is John F. Kennedy?
What is the "I Have A Dream" Speech?
The Southern Christian Leadership Council
What is SCLC?
This term means a refusal to use a product or service as a form of protest.
What is a boycott?
John F. Kennedy's assassin.
Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?
This activist took a different view on Civil Rights, calling on African Americans to separate from whites. He would later be assassinated.
Who is Malcolm X?
When Dr. King was jailed he wrote this letter, which discussed the criticism of his work.
What is "Letter from Birmingham Jail?"
The proper way to address your male and female teachers (3 parts).
What is Mr., Ms. and Mrs.?
This term means to allow all people into a one setting, and is the opposite of segregate.
What is integrate?
The numbers on your lock are technically called this.
What is a combination?