Civilian Life

Why were the "Failed Territory Compromises" in regard to the Western Land such a large cause of the Civil War?

They only buy the nation time on the slavery issue, nothing ever actually solves the issue!


Who is the Union President during the Civil War? Who is the President of the Confederacy?

Abraham Lincoln = Union

Jefferson Davis = Confederacy


Where was the first official battle of the Civil War?

Fort Sumter, Charleston, South Carolina 


Which side had the largest amount of railroads and supplies?

The Union / North


What color were the Union soldiers uniforms? What about the Confederate uniforms?

Union = Navy blue

Confederates = Gray


Name and briefly describe TWO abolitionists.

Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, Harriet B. Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison


Who is the Union Military General? Who is the Confederate?

Union = Ulysses S. Grant

Confederate = Robert E. Lee


Which side was winning by a LOT during the first half of the war?

The Confederates / South


List two Confederate Advantages of the war.

  • Fighting Defense

    • Home field Advantage

  • Difficult to Blockade entire coastline

  • Experienced Military Leaders

    • (Robert E Lee)

  • Very High Morale

    • They are fighting for their way of life


What is the first state to secede from the Union?

South Carolina


Describe the Dred Scott Case (including the issue and how the court ruled)

  • Dred Scott (that’s his name) was a slave in Missouri.  His master took him to the free territory of Wisconsin for a few years.  

  • When his master died, Dred Scott sued for his freedom, saying that his time on free soil made him a freed man.

    • They ruled against him:

    • The Supreme Court stated “Slaves are not citizens”

    • They are property (they have no rights

    • Dred Scott has no right to even sue, because only citizens can use the courts

    • Congress had no power to limit slavery and so the Missouri Compromise line is repealed


Describe the Union military strategy known as the "Anaconda Plan."

  • Blockade Southern Ports

  • Divide South in two along the Mississippi River


Which battle preceedes the Emancipation Proclamation?

The Battle of Antietam 


Which attack on the South resulted in the ultimate destruction of EVERYTHING (from crops, to homes, to businesses) in hopes to force a Confederate surrender?

Sherman's March to the Sea


What is an ironclad?

wooden ships with sheets of iron laid over to make stronger Submarines


What was the South's reaction to the Election of 1860 outcome? Why?

Southern states immediately began to secede from the Union because of the election of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's presidency threatened slavery.


The Confederates had two military strategies... name them. 

1. Outlast Union support

2. Seek foreign help from England/France


Which battle is known as the "beginning of the end of the war" and marks the last Confederate offensive attack?

The Battle of Gettysburg


Explain at least two aspects of women's roles during the Civil War.

  • Women managed homes and families with scarce resources

  • Often faced poverty and hunger

  • Assumed new roles in agriculture, nursing, and in war industries


What does the Emancipation Proclamation declare? (Hint: Be specific... where does this apply?)

  • Freed those slaves located in the ‘rebelling’ states


List ALL five causes of the Civil War that we have discussed in class. (Hint: think back to the numbers on your guided notes)

Failed Territory Compromises, Rising Sectional Tensions, The Abolition Movement, Pro-Slavery Developments, The Election of 1860

Who is the person that assassinated President Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth


Where did General Robert E. Lee surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant?

Appomattox Courthouse


What did the Emancipation Proclamation do to Northern civilians? (Hint: there could be two potential answers)

1. Boosted Morale

2. Encouraged higher numbers of volunteers for the war effort, especially among African Americans


Explain the significance of the Gettysburg Address (Hint: This has nothing to do with how long Lincoln spoke)

  • Refocuses war’s commitment to achieving Democratic Ideals