- Name the second form of “speak’?
Name the fifth letter of the English alphabet?
Read the word by transcription “ðеn”
translate “Как дела?”
(How are you?)
what is the bagpipe?
(musical instrument)
- Name the definite article.?
Speak in English “Я увлекаюсь спортом”
(I’m fond of sport)
How do read the letters “oo” in the “flood”
translate “добро пожаловать”
What is the Big Ben?
(the bell)
Name the Plural form of “child”?
What is the Russian equivalent of the verb “пересказывать”?
Who wrote “The adventures of Robinson Crusoe”
(D. Defoe)
Translate “ help yourself”
What’s the name of British Queen?
(Elizabeth the Second)
Name the plural form of “mouse”?
Name a synonym of “small”?
Name the subject, where you read stories, learn poems by heart and know about writers
translate “my father is fond of travelling”
(мой папа увлекается путешествиями)
Where does the British Queen live?
(The Buckingham Palace)
Is the word “money” countable or uncountable?
What is the English equivalent of the verb “должен”?
Who is the main hero of the story by Conan Doyle.
(Sherlock Holmes)
Translate “My favourite holiday is Christmas”
(Мой любимый праздник-Рождество)
What is the official language in Australia?