Easter/Western Blocs
Plans, Treaties, and Programs

Which countires were the main superpowers of each bloc?

The USA, for the western bloc, and the USSR for the easter bloc


What did the USA have at the begining of the Cold War that gave them a strong military advantage?

The atomic bomb


Why was it called the "Cold War"?

Becuase there was never direct conflict between the USA and USSR, it was all inderect, characterized by power struggles in other countries. 


Name at least one leader of the USSR during the cold war

Stalin, Krushchev, Gorbachev


What was the Marshall Plan?

Financial aid sent to the European countries to help their economies recover.


Which bloc was Spain (eventually) a part of?

The western bloc


What important thing did the USSR accomplish at the beggining of the Space Race?

Sending Sputnik, a satellite probe, into space successfully. 


Greece had a civil war. By the end of it, which side where they on?

The western bloc


Name at least one president of the United States during the Cold War period. 

Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Regan


What was NATO?

A military alliance between the countires of the westen bloc. 


Which country was divided in half between the two blocs?

Germany (Berlin)


What type of bomb was developed that was even more powerful than an atomic bomb, and who developed it? 

The hydrogen bomb (H-bomb), developed by the USA


What happened in Korea and Vietnam?

They were both divided in half - the north controlled by the communists, and the south by the nationalists. After lots of fighting Veitnam was entirley communist. 


What was the name of the leader of the communist party in China, who founded the People's Republic of China?

Mao Zadong


What was the Warsaw pact?

A military alliance formed with the countires in the Soviet sphere, in response to the formation of NATO


What was the name of the movement, that many countries joined who didn't want to ally with either the USSR nor the USA?

The Non-Aligned Movement


Name at least 3 things developed during the space race. 

Rockets, satellites, space station, more effective space suits, better missles. 


What happend with Berlin?

Berlin was divided into four parts, but when the western three powers joined together, Stalin blocked land access to West Berlin with the (1) Berlin Wall. The west (2) airlifted supplies into the soviet controlled side of Berlin to help people. 


Who was the leader of Cuba who allowed Khruchev to place missles aimed at the USA?

Fidel Castro


What was the Korean Armistice Agreement?

an agreement signed in 1953 establishing two separate states: North and South Korea


Which bloc was Turkey with?

The western bloc


What was "Star Wars"?

A prorgramme aimed to develop a space shield to destroy Soviet missles before they coud hit the USA in case of nuclear atttack.


What happened in China?

(1) There was a civil war between the Nationalist and Communist parties. (2) The communists won, proclaimed the People's Republic of China, and supported the USSR


Name at least one person from Apollo 11 who walked on the moon.

Neil Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins


What was the START I Treaty?

It was the treaty that both superpowers signed in 1991 that would reduce the amount of dangerous weapons that each side had. This ended the Cold War. 

START stands for Strategic Arms Reduction Talks