Foreign II
Nuclear Arms Race
An economic and political system that focuses on the individual and the private ownership of property and resources.
What is Capitalism
This theory states that if one country falls to communism other countries around it will also fall to communism. 
What is the Domino Theory?
This was the dictator of the USSR from the 1920s until his death in 1953.
Who is Josef Stalin?
How many phases made up the nuclear arms race? 
What is three? 
This plan was passed in Congress in order to rebuild Western Europe after WWII. It was a $20 Billion dollar plan that was effective in stopping communism. 
What is the Marshall Plan? 
This international organization was formed after WWII to promote diplomacy, peace, and the resolution of conflicts without weapons or aggression. 
What is the United Nations?
This event helped prevent WWIII by getting resources to West Berliners. 
What is the Berlin Airlift? 
This person was President during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Who is JFK, or Kennedy?
The country that the USA secretly placed nuclear weapons in that angered the Soviet Union and helped start the Cuban Missile Crisis
What is Turkey? 
This was the Congress committee that oversaw the Red Scare 
What is the House Un-American Activities Committee? 
This alliance system militarized the Cold War by saying that if any of its members were attacked all of the members would send military aid. 
What is NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)?
This imaginary line was the division between communism in the east and capitalism in the west.
What is the Iron Curtain?
This person led the witchhunt in the early 1950s that ruined many peoples' lives or careers.  
Who is Joseph McCarthy? 
The country that became the center of the Nuclear Arms race for 13 days in 1962. 
What is Cuba? 
After WWII, many vets were able to move out to these new mass produced housing areas. 
What are the Suburbs? 
An economic and political system that focuses on the public ownership of property and resources. 
What is Communism?
This was the closest the two superpowers came to nuclear war in the fall of 1962. 
What is the Cuban Missile Crisis? 
These two people were the victims of the Red Scare who were tried, convicted and killed within 2 years of their "discovery" 
Who are Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? 
The creation and gathering of nuclear weaponry without testing. 
What is Stockpiling? 
This generation came of age in the 1950s and 1960s and were greatest population explosion in US History. 
Who are the Baby Boomers? 
This was the policy that the USA adopted to stop the spread of communism. 
What is Containment? 
This is a conflict that is not fought directly by the two superpowers but they may aid through money and weapons. 
What is a proxy war? 
This person gave the order to drop the Atomic bombs on Japan, tried to stop McCarthy, and implemented the Marshall Plan
Who is Harry Truman? 
A concern after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. 
What was going to happen with their nuclear stockpile? 
This new communication medium became easily purchased for houses in the 1950s, which allowed sports, shows, and commercials to be beamed out to millions of people. 
What is the Television?