The Iron Curtain Falls on Europe
Healing the Wounds of War
The Second Red Scare
The Korean War
Cold War in Alaska

A weapon that created tension and distrust between the United States and the Soviet Union.

What is the atomic bomb?


Granted by the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, this law granted a range of benefits to soldiers returning from the war.

What is the G.I. Bill?


It was a period of intense anti-communist hysteria in the United States after the conclusion of WWII.

What is the Second Red Scare?


American forces launched Operation Chromite and invaded South Korea here for a decisive victory in the Korean war which further divided North and South Korea.

What is the Battle of Inchon?


24 sites were built in Alaska to warn against attacks by the Soviet Union against any part of the Arctic.

What is the DEW Line?


He was a Russian leader who's last name meant, "man of steel."

Who is Joseph Stalin?


A term that refers to the high birth rate in the United States following the end of WWII as soldiers returned home.

What is the baby boom?


It was created in 1938 to investigate and persecute those in American who were suspected of harboring Communist sentiments. 

What is the HUAC?


North and South Korea were divided along this line with the North controlled by the Soviet Union and the South controlled by the United States.

What is the 38th Parallel? 

Elmendorf Air Force Base became its command headquarters in Alaska 1958.

What is the North American Air Defense (NORAD)?


A total of $13.3 billion dollars were transferred to seventeen European nations to bolster economic recovery after the war.

What is the Marshall Plan?


President Truman's plan to for federal health insurance and to provide federal funding for education.

What is the Fair Deal?


In 1948 he was charged with espionage and eventually convicted of perjury in connection with the case. While it is confirmed that he was a communist, it is unclear if he was a spy for the Soviet Union.

Who is Alger Hiss?


Here, the United States and North Korea tried to reach an agreement about peace in what is sometimes also known as the Korean Demilitarized Zone.

What is Panmunjom?


It was renamed and expanded in 1948 to accommodate the Air Force fleet of massive B-36 bombers.

What is Eielson Air Force Base?


A political metaphor used to describe the physical division of Europe from the end of WWII in 1945 to the end of the Cold War in 1991.

What is the Iron Curtain?

An international organization created to promote economic cooperation and prosperity for all.

What is the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade?


It was delivered in Wheeling, West Virginia and is remembered for being the speech that launched the Second Red Scare.

What is the McCarthy Speech?


He founded North Korea and ruled it as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, a communist nation, until his death in 1994.

Who is Kim Il Sung?


These were installed at missile bases in Fairbanks and Anchorage in the late 1950s.

What are Nike Hercules missiles?


George F. Kennan's policy to prevent any Soviet attempts at expansion.

What is containment?


It was signed by Russia and the United States in 1991 to reduce and limit strategic defensive arms.

What is START I?


It was a rabid campaign against supposed homegrown communists in America that made people fear for their lives, their livelihood, and their general wellbeing.

What is McCarthyism?


He was the first elected president of South Korea and although he was committed to democratic freedom he was also ruthless and authoritarian as a leader.

Who is Syngman Rhee?


Three Cold War-era missile sites within seventy-five miles of Anchorage, Alaska.

What are Kincaid, Nike Summit, and Point MacKenzie?