What was a role the CIA took on to prevent the spread of communism?
They took covert action.
Which colonial ruler did the Viet Minh defeat during the First Indochina War?
During the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), the United States discovered missiles in Cuba. These missiles belonged to what nation?
In 1972, President Richard Nixon became the first US president to visit this nation in the hopes of improving relations:
What does it mean to nationalize an industry or resource?
A government takes control of a previously privately owned industry or resource.
This part of Vietnam was communist and led by Ho Chi Minh
North Vietnam
How did the Cuban Missile Crisis end?
The Soviets removed missiles from Cuba, and the U.S. quietly removed missiles from Turkey.
Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan in 1979?
To support the Communist government against rebel forces (mujahideen)
What action did Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser take during the Suez Crisis of 1956?
He nationalized the Suez Canal, taking it from British and French control.
Bonus x3: This major battle ended the First Indochina War. The Viet Minh were able to defeat the French as a colonial power.
Battle of Dien Bien Phu
What stopped defections to West Germany and became a symbol of Communist oppression during the Cold War?
The Berlin Wall
What were the key reforms introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev after becoming Soviet leader in 1985?
Glasnost (openness) and Perestroika (economic restructuring)
BONUS x2: The leader of Cuba. He liked to play basketball. Full Name.
Fidel Castro
This part of Vietnam was anti-communist and was supported by the US
South Vietnam
This mission landed the first humans on the moon:
Apollo 11 (1969)
This US president was the commander in chief during the end of the Cold War:
Ronald Reagan
What event in 1957 marked the beginning of the Space Race?
The Soviet Union launching Sputnik, the first satellite.
What does the Domino Theory suggest about the spread of communism in Southeast Asia?
If all of Vietnam fell to communism, other countries in Southeast Asia would likely follow.
BONUS x3: What was the name of the first great ape launched into space (1961)?
Ham OR Ham the Astrochimp
After 14 republics declared independence, Gorbachev resigned and the Soviet Union dissolved. This marked the end of:
Cold War