Policies & Ideologies
Allies & Enemies
Winners & Losers
He gave the famous "Iron Curtain" speech, suggesting that dividing Europe between the allies would lead to problems.
Who is Winston Churchill?
An economic system that believes in free enterprise and social mobility. It creates social classes and "have's vs. have not's."
What is Capitalism?
When the US gave Cuban rebels weapons and trained them to start a revolution against Castro.
What is The Bag of Pigs?
This alliance was founded in response to capitalist nations' alliance.
What is Warsaw Pact.
This action by Cuba proved that the US was "winner" of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
What is turning ships with missiles around/removing missiles from Cuba.
He wrote the "Communist Manifesto" with Freidrich Engels.
Who is Karl Marx.
A political and economic ideology that was created in response to the shortcomings of capitalism. The founders found that the workers in the factory did not receive "their fair share" of the profit in capitalism, so they advocated this new system.
What is Communism?
When the CIA noticed nuclear missiles stationed in Cuba it sparked this conflict.
What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?
These leaders met at the Yalta Conference.
Who are FDR, Churchill, and Stalin?
The agreement that ended the Vietnam War and achieved "Peace with honor."
What is the Paris Peace Accords?
He was the leader of Russian AFTER the fall of the Soviet Union.
Who is Yeltsin?
The belief that if one nation fell to communism, its neighboring countries would fall to communism too.
What is the Domino Theory?
When the US sent military aid and supplies to Berlin to help citizens following the destruction of WWII. This event was seen as the "beginning" of the Cold War.
What is the Berlin Airlift?
This was created to help Greece and Turkey remain allies of democracy rather than communism.
What is the Truman Doctrine?
The name of the space craft that was successfully launched into Earth's orbit. It put the USSR ahead of the US in the "space race."
What is Sputnik?
His policy attempted to justify Soviet force against nations in the Soviet Bloc that tried to break away from communism. His policy justified the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.
Who is Brezhnev?
The US' policy of preventing the spread of communism following the end of WWII.
What is Containment?
The recovery plan that took place between 1948-1952 that gave Western European nations money to rebuild themselves so they would not fall to communism.
What is the Marshall Plan?
The number of Western allies that founded NATO. They agreed that if one nation was attacked by communist aggressors, the others would jump in to help preserve its democracy.
What is 12?
When this came down, it meant that democracy and capitalism had won the Cold War.
What is the Berlin Wall?
The US misunderstood his desire for unification was greater than his desire for communism. He would not give up the fight for unifying his country, even after years of fighting.
Who is Ho Chi Minh?
This is a Russian term for "openness." It actually led to the fall of the USSR and ethnic struggles because it allowed people to speak their mind.
What is glasnost?
What the North Vietnamese army crossed that officially started the Vietnam War.
What is the 38th parallel?
In the aftermath of perestroika and glasnost, the Soviet Union fought to keep this country in its power due to its rich oil fields even though it fought to secede.
What is Chechnya?
The place where the armistice that ended the Korean War was signed.
What is Panmunjom?