Who gave money to Cortes to organize his expedition to Mexico?
Diego de Velazquez
What languages did la Malinche speak?
Maya and Nahuatl
Who was the main authority, with absolute power of New Spain?
The King
Name of the three vessels of Cristopher Columbus
La Niña, la Pinta y la Santa Maria
Who inspected the conduct of local authorities in the Colony?
Name of the Codex that illustrates their migration
How did Cortes inform the King about his adventures?
By writting letters
Where was la malinche awarded to Cortes?
In Tabasco
What institution adviced the King on how to govern the colonies in America?
Royal and Supreme Council of the Indies
Why did the Spaniards need to fing a new route of commerce with Asia?
The muslim cut off the routes off commerce through te middle east
Who was excluded from the Inquisition authority?
Inigenous population
Name of the social classes
Pipiltin and mazehuatltin
Battle won by Cortes after the Sad night
What was la Malinche's name in Nahuatl
Who representedthe king in the colony?
The viceroy
Popular island in the Caribbean for pirates to hide
Isla Tortuga
Which institution oversaw the religious education of the Colony?
School for the nobles
Who did Cortes leave in charge of Tenoxtitlan when he left to Yucatan?
Pedro De Alvarado
Who wrote about la Malinche in his Chronicle?
Bernal Diaz el Castillo
name of the Institution that helped the viceroy govern the colony?
The Royal Audience
Name of the most important port of Mexico to commerce with Asia
How was the colony territory organized
11 captaincies
School for the Mazehaultin
Who came to arrest Cortes?
Panfilo de Narvaez
What was the name of the Son Malinche had with Cortes?
Martín Cortes
Which institution intended to prevent the spread of ideas contrary to the Catholic religion?
The Holly Inquisition
Name of the two onquistadors that trace out the routes for Cortes
Fco Hernandez de Cordoba y Juan de Grijalva
Name of the dynastic families that ruled New Spain
Hapsburgs and Bourbons
Clothes weared by noble mexica
Tilma and sandals