This Spanish retailer, known for its ultra-fast production cycles, pioneered the modern fast fashion model in the early 2000s. 呢間以超快生產週期而聞名嘅西班牙零售商,喺2000年代初開創咗現代快時尚模式。
What is Zara? Zara 係乜嘢?
Fast fashion is responsible for approximately 10% of global emissions, making it the second-largest industrial polluter after this industry. 快時尚係全球排放量嘅大約10 % ,令佢成為繼呢個行業之後嘅第二大工業污染者。
What is Oil and Gas?
This 2010 animated film was Disney’s 50th animated feature and reimagined the classic tale of Rapunzel. 呢套2010年嘅動畫電影係迪士尼第50部動畫長片,重新構想咗《長髮公主》嘅經典故事。
What is Tangled?
Walt Disney was born in this U.S. state, where a museum now honors his legacy. 華特迪士尼喺呢個美國州出世,而家有個博物館紀念佢嘅遺產。
What is Illinois
Before working at Pixar, Steve Jobs co-founded this famous technology company. 喺皮克斯做嘢之前,史提夫 · 喬布斯係呢間著名嘅科技公司嘅共同創辦人。
Apple 蘋果
This South Asian country, the second-largest producer of garments after China, is home to many sweatshops supplying major fast fashion brands. 呢個南亞國家係繼中國之後第二大服裝生產國,有好多間為各大快時尚品牌供應嘅血汗工廠。
What is Bangladesh? 孟加拉係乜嘢?
A single cotton T-shirt requires approximately 2,700 liters of water to produce, which is enough to sustain one person for this many years.
單件棉質 T 恤大約需要2,700升水先可以生產,足以維持一個人咁多年。
What is 3 years?
This country was home to Disney’s first theme park outside the United States, which opened in 1983. 呢個國家係迪士尼喺美國以外嘅第一個主題樂園嘅所在地,呢個主題樂園喺1983年開幕。
What is Japan? 日本係乜嘢嚟㗎?
This 1940 animated film, featuring a wooden puppet, was the first Disney movie to win competitive Oscars. 呢套1940年嘅動畫電影,以木偶為主角,係第一部贏得競爭性奧斯卡嘅迪士尼電影。
What is Pinocchio?皮諾基奧係乜嘢?
This was the first fully CGI-animated feature film ever made, released in 1995.
呢套係有史以來第一部全 CGI 動畫嘅長片,喺1995年上映。
What is Toy Story? 乜嘢係玩具故事?
The Atacama Desert in this South American country has become an infamous dumping ground for unsold fast fashion waste. 呢個南美洲國家嘅阿塔卡馬沙漠已經成為咗一個臭名昭著嘅未賣出嘅快時尚垃圾嘅倒塌地。
What is Chile? 智利係乜嘢?
This "dead zone" phenomenon, caused by toxic chemical runoff from garment factories, leads to oxygen depletion in water bodies, killing marine life. 呢個「死區」現象係由服裝廠嘅有毒化學物質流失引起,導致水域嘅氧氣耗盡,殺死海洋生物。
What is Eutrophication? 乜嘢係富裕化?
Before acquiring Marvel, Disney bought this animation studio in 2006, responsible for Toy Story and Finding Nemo. 喺收購 Marvel 之前,迪士尼喺2006年買咗呢間動畫工作室,負責《反斗奇兵》同《海底奇兵》。
What is Pixar? 皮克斯係乜嘢?
Disney’s first live-action feature film, released in 1950, was this adaptation of a classic adventure novel.迪士尼第一部真人版長片,喺1950年上映,係改編自經典冒險小說。
What is Treasure Island?
This Marvel superhero was the first openly gay character to be featured in an MCU film. 呢個 Marvel 超級英雄係第一個喺 MCU 電影入面出現嘅公然同性戀角色。
Who is Phastos (Eternals)? 邊個係法斯托斯(永恆者)?
Many fast fashion companies register their businesses in this type of jurisdiction, allowing them to avoid corporate taxes and increase profit margins. 好多快時尚公司都會喺呢類型嘅司法管轄區註冊佢哋嘅業務,令佢哋可以避免公司稅同埋增加利潤率。
What are tax havens? 乜嘢係避稅天堂?
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch contains microplastics largely from synthetic fabrics like polyester. These microplastics take this many years to fully decompose. 大太平洋垃圾帶含有大部分來自聚酯等合成布料嘅微塑膠,呢啲微塑膠需要咁多年時間先可以完全分解。
What is 500 years?
The famous voice of Mickey Mouse, Wayne Allwine, was married in real life to the actress who voiced this beloved Disney character. 米奇老鼠嘅著名配音員韋恩 · 阿溫,喺現實生活中同為呢個深受喜愛嘅迪士尼角色配音嘅女演員結婚。
Who is Minnie Mouse? (Russi Taylor)
The voice of Walt Disney’s original Mickey Mouse, from Steamboat Willie, was performed by this person.
Who is Walt Disney? 邊個係華特迪士尼?
Before Disney bought Lucasfilm, this company released the original Star Wars trilogy in the 1970s and 1980s. 喺迪士尼買盧卡斯影業之前,呢間公司喺1970年代同1980年代發行咗原版星球大戰三部曲。
What is 20th Century Fox? 世紀狐狸係乜嘢?
This term refers to the practice of pricing clothing so low that competitors struggle to match prices, often leading to the exploitation of labor.
What is predatory pricing? 乜嘢係捕食性定價?
This African country’s capital, Accra, faces an environmental crisis due to Obroni Wawu, a local term for second-hand clothing waste overwhelming its landfills. 呢個非洲國家嘅首都阿克拉因為奧布羅尼瓦烏而面臨環境危機,奧布羅尼瓦烏係當地一個用語,係指二手衣物廢物壓倒咗佢嘅堆填區。
What is Ghana? 加納係乜嘢?
Disney reuses animation sequences to save money—this is why Baloo’s dance in The Jungle Book closely resembles a scene from this earlier princess movie.
迪士尼為咗慳錢而重用動畫片段 — 呢個就係點解巴魯喺《叢林書》入面嘅舞蹈同呢套早期嘅公主電影嘅一幕好相似。
What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? 白雪公主同七個小矮人係乜嘢嚟㗎?
The famous Wilhelm Scream, a stock sound effect used in movies, appears in nearly every Disney film, including this 1977 animated classic about rescuers. 著名嘅《威廉尖叫》係電影入面用嘅一種股票音效,幾乎每部迪士尼電影都會出現,包括呢套1977年關於救生員嘅動畫經典。
What is The Rescuers?
The Pizza Planet truck, first seen in Toy Story, appears in almost every Pixar movie except this one. 披薩星球卡車,係《玩具總動員》入面首次見到,除咗呢套之外,幾乎每部皮克斯電影都會出現。
What is The Incredibles? 乜嘢係《難以置信》?