Cells, Structures, Filaments
Basic Definitions
Polarization and depolarization
The Cardiac cycle, potential, and Responses
Pacemaker cells: name, found, function Myocardial cells: name, contain, found, function
What is pacemaker cells: electrical cells, electrical conduction system, generation and transmission of electrical impulses myocardial cells: working cells, contractile filaments, myocardium, contraction and relaxation
A: Thick filament is energized by the protein ____. B: thin filament contains three proteins ___ ______ _____.
What is A: myosin B: actin, tropomyosin, and troponin.
The definition of Conductivity
What is the ability of a material to allow the flow of electrical current.
Describe the resting state (polarization).
What is 1. it is negatively charged 2. high sodium ions outside cell and high potassium and protein inside the cell. 3. no electrical activity takes place.
A: Define threshold potential. B: What cannot generate or conduct electrical impulses unless it reaches threshold?
What is A: level to which a cell must be repolarized before it can be depolarized again. B: cardiac cells
This has striated, short, fat, figures of eight, intercalated discs, and behaves as a functional syncytium
What is Heart muscle
This is the catalyst that kick starts muscle contraction and is also a positive ion.
What is Calcium.
Capacity of a muscle fiber to undergo shortening.
What is contractility
What is SA and AV nodes.
What happens in the A: relative and B: absolute refractory phases
What is A: the heart is susceptible to strong stimulation B: ventricles cannot receive any further stimulation
This trigs heart beat in itself.
What is the action potential
A: this allows certain substances through cell membranes. B: this is the ability of a cell to spontaneously generate an impulse without being externally stimulated. C: the capacity of a cell to respond to a stimulus. D: ability of cardiac cells to transmit impulse to another cell. E: the ability of cardiac muscle fibers to respond and contract.
What is A: selective permeability B: automaticity C: excitability D: conductivity E: contractility
transmembrane potentials
What is the level of excitability of a cardiac cell. Also relates to how quickly ions can move in and out of the cell through ion channels.
Describe depolarization and repolarization.
What is A: when the cell is stimulated by an electrical impulse, sodium rushes into the cell and potassium leaks out, causing the cell to become positively charged. B: during cell recovery/ repolarization, ions shift back to their original places and return the cell to its negative charge.
1. the atrial cardiac myocytes contract in unison. 2. the av node allows the signal to pass after the atria have completely contracted. 3. the ventricular myocytes then contract in unison. 4. the heart must pause momentarily after each heart beat. the refractory period. allowing heart to prepare for next beat. this is known as the.
What is the depolarization sequence.
This is a functional unit of muscle.
What is the myocardium
The SA and AV nodal cells have this property.
What is Automaticity
the gates in the cell wall that control ion movement across the cell wall.
What is ion channels.
mechanical vs. electrical
What is mechanical: Contractions and relaxation electrical: Depolarization and repolarization -muscle cont. -muscle relax.
List the cardiac action potential phases.
What is 0-depolarization 1-early rapid repolarization phase 2-plateau phase of slow repolarization 3-terminal phase of rapid repolarization 4-period between action potentials
A:This contains filaments of actin and myosin. B: filaments form and ordered array and make up ____.
What is A:myofibrils B: sacromeres
Explain broken heart syndrome
What is happens when undo stress occurs in life. Only the middle contracts the apex does not. Causes shortness of breath and chest pain. Can repair itself.
A: A network of Na+ and K+ channels working together to maintain electrical equilibrium. B: what is the resting cell membrane potential
What is -90mV
When does depolarization take place?
What is occurs when cell membrane potential drops from -90mV to -65mV, Stimulating cardiac muscles. The SA and AV node depolarize around -30 to -40mV.
In a slow response what is the phase order?
What is 4-0-3.