Article 1
Article 1: 7-10
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4-7
Bill of Rights

How many Representatives should each state have?

At least one Representative.


What is a job of Congress that the states don’t have?

Ex: Congress is in charge of paying for soldiers from foreign countries while states cannot buy soldiers from other countries


 How long does a president have to be in office?

 Four years.


Where do Judges’ Power to rule over all cases come from?

The Constitution, and Treaties.


 How many states had to approve in order for the establishment of the Constitution?

At least 9 states. 


The right to bear arms

What is the second amendment?


At what age does a person have to be in order to be elected as one of the Senators?

At least 30 years old.


Can you identify one of the duties of Congress?

Ex: Congress sets up and pays for the Army and Navy


What should each state choose in order to vote for president?

Choose people or electors to vote for the president. They will be equal to the number of senators and representatives they have in the congress.


Who has power to decide the punishments of Treason?



Who are new states added by?



An eighteen year old can vote

What is the twenty-sixth amendment?


How would you summarize the Preamble of the Constitution?

As citizens of the United States we need to follow and accept the Constitution to keep a cool and calm union.


How would you summarize Section 8?

A list of the powers, rights, and duties of Congress.


How would you summarize the voting process?

People who vote for the president shall meet in their own state and vote by ballot for two persons with at least one not living in their own state. A list of all the persons voted for will be made that has the  number of votes for each state.


What are Crimes of Treason, and what’re they classified as?

Those that can hurt the United States, and are the, “enemy.”


What would happen if you broke the law and ran away to a different state?

You would be sent back to the state where the crime happened for trial.


Freedom of speech

What is an example of the first amendment?


Compare and contrast the Representatives and the Senate.

The Senates represent their entire State and the Representatives represent individual districts.


What is the main idea of section 10?

The main idea of section ten is that states must not go beyond their ability to govern and must relay back to congress for permission.


What fraction of the senate must vote yes for approval?  



How could a person not be guilty of committing Treason?

Two Witnesses who saw the crime can prove their innocence.


What was the main idea of Article 6?

That everyone has to follow the laws set in the Constitution.


Women have the right to vote

What is the cause of the nineteenth amendment?


Do you agree or disagree with the rules in the Supreme Court?



What evidence supports the necessity of a warrant or reason for arrest in the U.S.?

Section 9 states “A person arrested and jailed must be given the reason for the arrest”


What evidence supports that the president and all government leaders of the US shall be removed from office after being on trial and found guilty?

They could be guilty of treason or crime that could hurt the country, taking money secretly; hurting someone badly; murder and small crimes.


Who and where will our Congress hold Cases?

There are cases for the people in the states, out of states, and out of the country. We will hold cases in courtrooms, on shore, and on sea.


 What conclusion can you draw if the Constitution and the Laws of the United States are the highest Laws in the Land?

That everybody has to follow those laws.


Presidents can only serve for two terms

What is the twenty-second amendment?