About the Constitution
Parts of the Constitution
Parts of the Constitution
Significance of the Constitution
Significance of the Constitution
What is a constitution?
A constitution is a document that describes the basic laws of a state or country.
What is the introduction of the Constitution called?
The introduction of the Constitution is called the Preamble.
How many articles are in the Constitution of the United States?
There are seven articles in the Constitution of the United States.
What document did the Constitution of the United States replace?
The Constitution of the United States replaced the Articles of the Confederation.
Under the Articles of the Confederation, our country had no uniform army to keep the peace. Each state had an individual army. How did writing and passing the Constitution fix this problem?
The Constitution of the United States created a federal army that would protect the entire country.
What are the creators of the Constitution of the United States called?
The creators of the Constitution of the United States are called the Framers of the Constitution.
Article 1 creates the legislative branch. What is purpose of the legislative branch?
The legislative branch creates the laws of our country.
Article 2 creates the executive branch. What is the purpose of the executive branch?
The executive branch makes the president the leader of our country.
Under the Articles of the Confederation, our country did not have a national court system. How did writing and passing the Constitution fix this problem?
The Constitution of the United States established the judicial branch, which is our court system.
Under the Articles of the Confederation, individual states was in charge of taxes and trading laws. The states made each other pay high taxes when trading. How did writing and passing the Constitution fix this problem?
The Constitution of the United States gave the federal government the power to regulate trade and taxes to make it fair for all states.
Where was the Constitution of the United States created?
The Constitution of the United States was created at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Article 3 creates the judicial branch. What is the purpose of the judicial branch?
The judicial branch is our court system that makes sure that our laws are followed.
Article 5 is the amendment process. What is the purpose of Article 5?
Article 5 explains how Congress can create, change, or take away laws in the Constitution.
Under the Articles of the Confederation, we needed a unanimous vote among all states to create or change laws. This meant that nothing was getting done. How did writing and passing the Constitution fix this problem?
The Constitution of the United States established the legislative branch which creates the laws of our country. Under the amendment process, we no longer need a unanimous vote to create or change laws.
Under the Articles of the Confederation, the government had no money to pay off debts. Money was created by individual states.
The Constitution of the United States allowed for common currency. This means that the entire country used money of the same value.
When was the Constitution of the United States created?
The Constitution of the United States was created in 1787.
Article 6 says the Constitution is the highest law of the land. What does this mean?
This means that the Constitution is the law of our country.
Article 7 is Ratification. What is the purpose of Article 7?
Article 7 explains how the Constitution was approved by the states as the law.
Under the Articles of the Confederation, we had no federal government. How did writing and passing the Constitution fix this problem?
The Constitution of the United States created a strong federal government.
Under the Articles of the Confederation, the government gave all power to the individual states. How did writing and passing the Constitution fix this problem?
The Constitution of the United States gave shared powers to the federal government and the states.
About how old is the Constitution of the United States?
The Constitution of the United States is about 200 years old.
Article 4 covers the relationship between the states and the federal government. What is the purpose of Article 4?
Article 4 explains the rights and powers of the states. This means it tells us what the states can and cannot do.
What is the Bill of Rights?
The Bill of Rights lists the rights of all Americans. It contains the first 10 amendments that give people more protection from the government.