The three ways to schedule an intake at the Counseling Center
1. Call the Center 2. Stop down and schedule in-person 3. Go on our website and request an appointment
True or False: Students in crisis can get a same-day appointment at the Counseling Center
Name our amazing office manager
Deana Breen
Scenario: It's 10 PM and a student tells you they're thinking of suicide. After listening attentively, who do you contact directly?
Public Safety
Students are typically allotted this many appointments per academic year
Students in need of a hospital evaluation are typically transported by what method
Which office is next to the Counseling Center?
The Office of Health Promotion
True or False: Asking whether someone is thinking about suicide might make them more likely to attempt suicide
True or False: You can make appointments for your residents
True or False: Walking a student in crisis down to the Counseling Center is common
Our newest full-time therapist
Katrina Giardino
The most common form of non-suicidal self-injury
Counselors see individual students as frequently as: weekly, biweekly, or monthly
Which one of these constitutes a crisis? A recent breakup; a panic attack; thoughts of suicide
Thoughts of suicide
The hospital at which our psychiatric providers are completing their residency
Albany Medical Center
Name one deep breathing technique you could teach a student to help them manage anxiety/panic?
10 second breath; 4-7-8 breathing; box breathing etc.
The wait time for a student to be seen for a new intake is: Two weeks; eight hours; five days
Five days
The Counselor On-Call is accessed by contacting whom
Public Safety
This Counseling Center staffer recently did the Polar Plunge?
Alexis Benedetti
The acronym LEAN stands for
Listen, Empathize, Affirm, Navigate resources