Sound devices
Elements and Devices
Whats The meaning

"I'd burn mad as a flame" page 5 (crossover by Kwame Alexander)

what is Metaphor? For 100


What type of tone are they setting in the text "Mom


It sets the tone of sadness and worry.


What sound device is used in this sentence 

my dad likes to gloat:

I balled with Magic and the Goat.

What is Repetition 


What Elements/Device is used in Ode to my hair 

What is Imagery 

What is the meaning of Needing his own wings?

 What is,The meaning is that he wants to be his own awesome


What FH is used in this sentence “SWOOP in

to the finish with a fierce finger roll ..

Straight in the hole:


What is Onomatopoeia 


What type of tone it set for" why we only eat salad for Thanksgiving" have reasoning

The tone is a light and happy and playful. This is because they pass jokes about the foods.



through the air.


The crowd stills, tick

mouths drop,


and when his last-second shot


hits net,


the clock stops.

The gym explodes.

Its hard bleachers empty

and my head aches.

What is onomatopoeia, 


What symbol does 

“If you miss enough of life's free throws

you will pay in the end.” Have?

The symbol is that if you mess up too much, you will end up paying in the end. It is basically like Karma.


What is the meaning of “ I count and recount the thirty-seven strands of my past” 

The meaning is that he counts his hair because it was and is still a big part of his life. He is kind of saying he is count his identity 


What two FG are used in this sentence “I'm sneaky and silky as a snake“?

What is Metaphor and alliteration 


What is the tone in the scene The Cut?

The tone is suspense because of the  “OH Snap “ and how the Arthur wrote it, clarity also plays a part in the suspense. 


a crossover can break an opponent's ankles.

As in: Deron William's crossover is nice, but Allen Iverson's crossover was so deadly, he could've set up his own podiatry practice.

As in: Dad taught me how to give a soft cross first

What is Repetition and Meter 


What is the Imagery of Missing 

Shows us that he feels like doesn't have an identity anymore and that something is always missing or not adding up 


Ode to My hair. What is the meaning of this in the text and why is it there?

They use this in the passage to show how much JB cares about his hair. It helps explain how important his hair is to him. How his hair is his ideate and how much he cares for it.


What type of FG is used in this sentence “when I play ball, I’m on fire.”

What is metaphor for 200


What is the tone for “Mon Doesn’t Like Us Eating Out“

The tone is uncomfortable because of the boys “fight“. This is because they all know that JB did it on purpose. Possibly because of how his brother shined more then him. 


What sound devices are used in Ode to my hair 

What is Rhythm


What type of elements and devices are used in Basket Ball rule #1?

This shows Symbolism and Mood. This is becouase The court is a symbol for family. The mood is that of love and helps show how much JB and his family cares about the game.


What is the meaning of the second letter in "The inside of Mom and Dads bedroom closest"

The father has a knee problem that affects how he plays and his heath. This also Opens up some problems in the family like the fact there father could get vary sick if something goes wrong with his knee becouase of this problem.


What figurative language is used in this sentence?

"Mom says, your dad's old school, like an ol' Chevette. You're fresh and new, like a red Corvette. Your game so sweet, it's a crêpes suzette.Each time you play it's ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL net.”

There are three types of figurative languages in this sentenc. There is metaphor " your games so sweet it's a crêpes Suzette." There is also two similes "Like a red Corvette" and "Like an ol'checette". They are used when the mother compared JB to his father.


How does the tone of How do you spell trouble help set the scene and the next part of the story?

The tone of How do you spell trouble helps set the scene that JB will take the heat for his brother but also that something is going down between the two boys. It also helps use understand the type of relation ship that these twins have, and helps us see their bond better.   


What is constantly talked about in the book ( also knows as repetition )

What is hair 


What is the Irony of The inside for Mom and dad’s bedroom closet?

 The Irony is that Mom and dad’s closet is off limits and JB always says no to his brother when he asks to go threw dads stuff, but when JB asked his mom for a box to put his locks in, they go threw dads things.


What is the meaning of the name Filthy McNasty?

What effects does it have on his reputation?

Filthy McNasty is the name that his father gave him after have a talk in his car. The text says that all the greats have nicknames and JB will be a great, his father says, and he is. His father then decided to dedicate the next song to him. "I'm dedicating this next song to you. What's the next song?Only the best song, the funkiest song on Silver's Paris Blues album: "FTHY MCNASTY "" This affect's how he is know on the court  and how he plays.