“Da Da Da Duhhhh… SWISH”
Friendly feeling of positive sportsmanship
What is theme?
Theme is the message of a story or poem that the reader can apply to his or her own life.
Which twin has become more interested in girls? Hint -He spent the summer at church camp instead of basketball cam because girls were there.
JB (Jordan)
What does Chuck make the boys do each night after dinner? Why?
Practice free throws so that are prepared to take advantage of opportunities and be become stronger players. Also, Josh missed two in a game.
“Dad’s small, silver safety box”
Having great physical beauty and appeal
True or False:
"Never let someone tell you that you are too young or small to make a free throw shot" is the theme of Basketball Rule #3.
False! Theme should be UNIVERSAL meaning it can apply to ANYBODY! The theme for Basketball Rule #3 would be "Don't let others limit you with their expectations, dream big."
What does Jordan get to do to Josh as a result of a bet?
Why didn't Chuck try out for the LA Lakers?
He was inured and didn't have surgery to repair his patellar tendonitis.
The teacher could hear her class ______ at something a student when she turned around to type on the Smartboard.
True or False:
"Take advantage of opportunities in life or there could be negative consequences later." Is a potential theme for Basketball Rule #4.
How does Josh feel after shaving his head? How do you know?
He is devastated. He keeps the dreadlocks as a memento.
Why does is mom strict with Chuck's diet?
She doesn't like him eating to much salt because he is at risk for hypertension. His father passed away from high blood pressure.
What TWO types of figurative language are present?
"Your arms as heavy as sea anchors.”
Simile & Hyperbole
The hurricane was a ___________ , the town was flooded and took years and many houses were ruined.
Identify the theme of Basketball Rule #1:
"In this game of life your family is the court and the ball is your heart. No matter how good you are, no matter how down you get, always leave your heart on the court."
Family is the most important thing in life.
Always prioritize the people that you love.
How does Josh protect JB in class and with their mother?
He takes the heat for passing a note for his brother to Miss. Sweet Tea during a test.
After reading Chuck and Mrs. Bell's conversation in Quarter 1, what can we infer Chuck is afraid of?
Docotors & The Hospital
What TWO types of figurative language are present?
“Her smile ocean wide"
Metaphor & Hyperbole
Mrs. Bell _________ her husband to go to the doctor to check his blood pressure because __________ runs in his family.
Prompted / Hypertension
Identify the theme of Basketball Rule #2:
"Random text from dad: Hustle Dig Grind Push Run Fast Change Pivot Chase Pull Aim Shoot Work Smart Live Smarter Play Hard Practice Harder."
Practice makes perfect.
How has the new girl impacted Jordan and Josh's reltionhsip?
Josh has started to become jealous of his brother.
What is Chuck's favorite story/memory?
He favorite memory is of the time he first took the boys to shoot a basketball and they made the shot despite the expectations of others.