How did Elizabeth dies?
She don't die.
This person was the first to name people as witches.
Who was naked dancing in the forest?
Why did Giles Corey died?
He refused to say who was accusing Putnam.
Who was known for her charity?
Rebecca Nurse
How does Rev. Hale die?
doesn't die
Who had an affair with John?
Abigail Williams
What type of blood did Abigail drink?
Chicken blood
Who did Tituba say that the devil asked her to kill?
Who stole Parris money?
Abigail Williams
How does John die?
Who accuses Rebecca Nurse of witchcraft.
Ann Putnam
Who can't wake up?
Why does Abigail wants Elizabeth dead?
So that she could have John.
Why did Elizabeth not died?
She was pregnant
How does Rebecca Nurse die?
Who was the one that gave Elizabeth a puppet?
Mary Warren
For what does Parris care more?
Land and status.
What commandment broke John?
With who did Abigail scape?
With Mercy Lewis
How does Giles Corey die?
Crush with rocks
Who would do anything for land?
Thomas Putnam
What threat does Abigail gives the girls?
That she will come on a dark night with a pointy reckoning.
For what did Parris prayed for weeks?
Golden candles
Why did John refused to give the sing papers back.
Because that would backen his name