Female Characters
Male Characters
Character Conflict

She is Reverend Parris' niece. She had an affair with John Proctor.

Who is Abigail?


He is the minister of the church of Salem. He is paranoid that others are always out to get him, he always feels the need to be in power, and he hates children.

Who is Rev Parris?


Dancing- some naked, some not. They wanted to cast spells on the boys of the village for them to love the girls. 

What were the girls doing in the woods? Who was there?


A description of the conflict between John Proctor and Abigail when he sees her in Act 1.

What is Abigail and Proctor had an affair. Abigail is frustrated because John denies them having an affair. John seems concerned about saving his image, so he denies their affair and tells her that they won't be together?


Salem, Massachusetts, 1692

Where and when did The Salem Witch Trials occur?

What is the setting of The Crucible?


She sent her daughter out to find out who murdered her 7 babies.

Who is Mrs. Putnam?


He is a local farmer. He had an affair with one of the young girls in the village. He is "powerful of body, even-tempered, and not easily led."

Who is John Proctor?


He can find no medical reason for her illness, and he should look for an “unnatural reason.”

The advice the doctor sends back to Rev Parris after examining Betty.


Rev Parris is suspicious of Abigail's behavior in the village because of this action by Elizabeth Proctor.

What is she fires Abigail who was working in her home and refuses to go to church because Abigail is there?


Highly religious people who settled in Salem to find freedom from British rule. They believed all good things came from God and that anything bad that happened was because the devil was interfering in their lives.

Who are the Puritans?


She is the 17 year-old servant to the Proctors. She is described as a "subservient, naïve, lonely girl." She is one of the girls who was dancing in the woods with Abby and the other girls.

Who is Mary Warren?


He is worried about losing his job in the village should the witchcraft accusations be true.

Who is Reverend Parris?


She insists that the girls are just acting silly. She has had 11 children and 26 grandchildren, so she feels she has been around children enough to know when they are acting silly.

Who is Rebecca Nurse?


Abigail says this to threaten the girls into being silent about what happened in the woods.

What is "I will come to you in the black of night and I will bring a pointy reckoning...?

Goody Good and Sarah Osborne.

Who does Tituba accuse of working with the devil?


She was accused of bewitching the girls. She was the first one to confess and name other women in the village.

Who is Tituba?


He said, "I will cut off my arm before I reach for you again."

Who is John Proctor?


Abigail was dancing in the woods with Tituba and the girls for this specific reason.

What is to drink a charm to kill John Proctor's wife?


He tells Reverend Hale that his wife reads a book late at night. When she is reading her books, he claims he cannot pray.

Who is Giles Corey?

Senator Joseph McCarthy's actions in 1950.

What is making accusations made against Americans of supporting Communism in America without any evidence which ultimately destroyed people's careers?


She is Reverend Parris’s ten-year-old daughter. She seems to have fallen into a strange trance. Her condition and that of Ruth Putnam fuel the first rumors of witchcraft.

Who is Betty?


He is an expert on witchcraft. He is called into the Parris' home to examine Betty.

Who is Reverend Hale?


The reason we assume Tituba confessed to witchcraft.

What is she does not want to hang?

What is she knows she will be blamed because she is a slave girl?


He is fighting with John Proctor over a piece of land that he said belongs to him. He claims it was in his grandfather's will.

Who is Thomas Putnam?


Arthur Miller gives this reason as to why he wrote The Crucible.

What is McCarthyism?