Female Characters
Male Characters
Character Interaction

Who is Abigail? How would you describe her character?

She is Reverend Parris' niece. She is strong and manipulative.


Who is Samuel Parris? How would you describe his character?

Parris is the minister of the church of Salem. He is paranoid that others are always out to get him, he always feels the need to be in power, and he hates children.


What were the girls doing in the woods? Who was there?

Dancing and using Tituba to conjure spells. Abigail, Betty Parris, Mercy Lewis, Mary Warren, and others.


What is going on between Abigail and Proctor? What emotions are they experiencing and why? What do they say to each other?

Abigail and Proctor had an affair. Abigail is frustrated because John denies them having an affair. John seems concerned about saving his image, so he denies their affair and tells her that they won't be together.


Where and when does The Crucible take place?

Salem, Massachusetts, 1692


What does Mrs. Putnam blame on witchcraft?

The death of her 7 babies


Who is John Proctor? What are his characteristics?

Proctor is a local farmer. He does not like hypocrites. He is "powerful of body, even-tempered, and not easily led."


Why does Reverend Parris insist that there "be not unnatural causes" with Betty? In other words, why does he insist that no one speak of "unnatural causes" ?

Parris knows that if people begin to link "unnatural causes" (witchcraft) to Betty's illness, they will quickly panic. In their hysteria, they may take extreme action against Parris and his family.


What mission did Abigail have concerning the wife of John Proctor? How does she try to fulfill her mission?

To get rid of her so she could be with John Proctor. She "drinks a charm" to kill Elizabeth Proctor.


What is the name of the independent entity that drew people leaving Salem? 



Who is Mary Warren? How would you describe her character?

She is the 17 year-old servant to the Proctors. She is described as a "subservient, naïve, lonely girl." She is one of the girls who was dancing in the woods with Abby and the other girls.


What is John Proctor's major complaint regarding Parris' preaching? How does he say it affects the people of the town?

Proctor says that Parris preaches too much about "hellfire and bloody damnation." He says that people stay away from church because he "hardly ever mentions God anymore." This creates tension between them.


What does Rebecca Nurse say about the girls' apparent illness? How does she know?

She insists that the girls are just acting silly. She has had 11 children and 26 grandchildren, so she feels she has been around children enough to know when they are acting silly.


Why does Parris suggest calling Reverend Hale?

Because he is an expert with dealing with witchcraft, so he is the best person to determine whether Betty is possessed by the Devil.


What causes Betty to scream?

Hearing the Lord's name spoken during the psalms that were being sung downstairs.


Who is Mercy Lewis?

She is the Putnam's 18 year-old servant. 


What are Reverend Parris' biggest complaints? What does this suggest about how he thinks of himself?

He feels that he deserves the firewood, a better salary, home ownership, and greater job security. This suggests that he is a proud man regards himself highly. He thinks he deserves better because of his education or because he is a servant to God.


Who tells Rev. Parris that the doctor claims there is no medicine to cure Betty?

Susanna Walcott


What does Giles Corey's wife do that disturbs him? Why?

She reads a book late at night. When she is reading her books, he claims he cannot pray, so he thinks she may be a witch


What source provides Rev. Hale with his authority?

Books and God.


Who is Betty? What happens to her? How is this significant to the play?

She is Reverend Parris’s ten-year-old daughter. Parris catches her and the other girls dancing in the woods with Tituba. After, she seems to fall into a strange trance. Her condition and that of Ruth Putnam fuel the first rumors of witchcraft.


Who is Reverend Hale? What are his beliefs? How does he view himself?

He is an expert on witchcraft. He is called into the Parris' home to examine Betty. He believes the "Devil is precise." Diabolism is nothing to be messed around with. He feels that he is very intelligent, that he was blessed with this intelligence, and he is meant to use it to fight the Devil.


What does Ann Putnam claim to have seen Betty do?

She claims that Betty flew.


What is Thomas Putnam like? What does he have against the people of Salem, especially Francis Nurse?

Thomas Putnam is a wealthy, greedy, and influential citizen of Salem. Putnam holds a grudge against Francis Nurse for preventing Putnam’s brother-in-law, Bayley, from being elected to the office of minister.


What similar hysteria-based event took place during the mid 20th Century? (1.5 X Points if you can name who the term is named after/his occupation during this tense period)

McCarthyism, Joseph McCarthy, U.S. Republican Senator