This reverend is the minister of Salem and is concerned about his reputation.
(Who is Reverend Parris?)
The girls were caught dancing in this location, leading to suspicions of witchcraft.
(What is the forest?)
"I have seen them all through their silly seasons."
(Who is Rebecca Nurse?)
The Puritans believed in this type of government where church and state were intertwined.
(What is a theocracy?
Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible as an allegory for this 1950s political event.
(What is McCarthyism?)
This young girl is the niece of Reverend Parris and leads the accusations.
(Who is Abigail Williams?)
This girl falls into an unexplainable trance, sparking rumors of witchcraft.
(Who is Betty Parris?)
"There is a faction that is sworn to drive me from my pulpit!"
(Who is Reverend Parris?)
This book was the ultimate source of authority for Puritans.
What is The Bible
This government body investigated suspected communists, much like the Salem court accused witches.
(What is the House Un-American Activities Committee?)
This couple has lost multiple babies and believes witchcraft is to blame.
(Who are the Putnams?)
This slave from Barbados is the first to be accused of witchcraft.
(Who is Tituba?)
"I have trouble enough without I come five mile to hear him preach only hellfire and bloody damnation."
(Who is John Proctor?)
Dancing and other forms of entertainment were considered this.
(What is sinful?)
Who is your favorite teacher?
Who is Miss. Paige
This farmer had an affair with Abigail and is hesitant to expose her lies.
(Who is John Proctor?)
This man threatens to whip Tituba until she confesses.
(Who is Reverend Parris?)
"Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things... and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you."
(Who is Abigail Williams?)
The Puritans believed that God had already decided who would go to heaven in this doctrine
What is predestination?
Like Abigail in The Crucible, Senator McCarthy used this to maintain his influence.
(What is fear?)
This elderly woman is highly respected in Salem but is accused of witchcraft.
(Who is Rebecca Nurse?)
Abigail drinks a charm in an attempt to kill this person.
(Who is Elizabeth Proctor?)
"You cannot command Mr. Parris. We vote by name in this society, not by acreage."
(Who is John Proctor?)
Women who did not conform to strict Puritan standards were often labeled as this.
What is a witch
The Crucible warns against this kind of thinking, where mass hysteria overrides logic.
(What is mob mentality?)